“Oh, bro. She’s not holding out on you because of a little smoke inhalation, is she?” Seb teases, but the way he locks eyes with Jodie as he does lets her know that he’s only saying it to rile me up.

“Don’t you worry your little head over it, Sebastian. I know how to treat her right. Don’t I, baby?”

“You taken a trip to Hades yet?” Jodie asks, giving as good as she gets. She knows full well they haven’t, because Stella mentioned it again when she came to visit.

“What’s wrong, bro? Worried you can’t handle all the big boy toys?”

“Fuck off. I’m just waiting for the right moment.”

“Pretty sure that was Valentine’s Day, but whatever,” Stella scoffs, reaching for Jodie’s hand and pulling her from my side so they can go and talk about us in private.

“Don’t wait too long, Sebastian, or I might just let someone who’s more willing to rock my world,” she warns.

“You wouldn’t dare,” he growls as the two of them disappear toward the dining room.

Seb’s still shaking his head when I look back at him.

“You do know that you’re never going to hear the end of this until you take her, right?”

“I’m gonna take her. You think I’d pass something like that up? Like I said, I’m just waiting for the right time.”

“We should see if we can book the place out. Have a private party down there.”

“With your sister?” Seb baulks.

“It’s not just one big gang bang room. But having the entire place to ourselves is definitely appealing.”

He nods, seeing where I’m going with this.

“Nico and Alex would be pissed if we took them there without girls.”

“It would be worth it to see the look on their faces when they realise the only free and single girl is Calli.”

“Surefire way to get Alex killed.”

“You think he’d go for it?”

“Hell yeah. There’s more to his flirting than he lets on. He’s probably at home right now knocking one out over our innocent little princess as we speak.”

“And there’s a visual I never needed,” I quip.

“Seriously though, bro. Haven’t you wondered why he hasn’t moved in yet?”

“Obviously. I just assumed he was banging his dad’s new housekeeper or something.”

“I mean, yeah. That’s definitely a possibility. But I was more thinking that it’s because Evan’s house is closer to Stefanos’ than our place. Would be easier to sneak around, get a little busy in the basement. Hell knows we all snuck down there unnoticed enough times while Nico was there.”

My chin drops, because what he’s saying makes a lot of sense, and it does sound like something Alex would do. But with Calli… nah, surely not?

“You know I’m right, bro,” he says with a smug-as-shit grin.

“Nah, I don’t think so. He might have a hard-on for her, but he’s not that fucking stupid.”

Seb’s brow lifts as he stares at me. “This is the same Alex we’re talking about who fell out of a tree in year ten after trying to look into Miss Hancock’s bedroom.”

“Okay, so maybe he is stupid enough,” I concede. “I’m just not sure.”

A buzzer rings out and Mum and Galen start crashing about in the kitchen.