Istretch my legs out, every single one of my muscles pulling, telling me that whatever went down last night was pretty intense.

Lifting my head from my pillow that is Toby’s chest, I blink a couple of times to make my vision clear.

The second my surroundings come back to me, I gasp in shock as memories begin rolling through my sore brain from the night before.

The vodka. The dancing. The mindless pleasure Toby offered me as we experimented in almost everything this room has to offer before I’m sure the sun was beginning to rise outside our little sex haven.

I startle when I find other bodies strewn about before my eyes lock with Stella’s across the room.

She smiles at me and I can’t help but laugh at the state of her. Her hair is sticking up every which way, her makeup has been obliterated, and even from this distance, I can see the red hickies marring the skin of her neck and chest.

“Morning,” she croaks.

“You look like you had a fun night,” I say quietly so as to not wake everyone else who’s still sleeping around us.

“Best night of my fucking life,” she beams. “I don’t think I’m going to be able to walk for a week.”

“Woman,” a deep voice grumbles before she’s pulled back down once more. “Quit the fucking noise.”

Chuckling to myself, I lie back down, but not before I take in the other couple cuddled up on the other bed in the room. Emmie and Theo are locked in their embrace, and I smile as I see the bad boy heir to the Family wrapped around his girl like she’s the only thing that matters in the whole world.

“Should I be worried that you’re checking out my boys instead of being down here with me?” Toby whispers, making me jump.

“Hell, no. I was just laughing at how bad-boy they look while cuddling.”

“Oh, we’re all plenty bad enough, Demon. There are only a very few select people who get to see this side.”

“Well, I’m privileged,” I say, snuggling back down beside him, hooking my leg over his hip and wrapping my arm around his waist.

“Hey,” he says with a sleepy smile.

“Hey back. Last night was—”

“Amazing,” he finishes for me.

“Yeah. It was,” I agree.

“So, what do you think about the job? You wanna help run this place.”

I shake my head. “This is crazy, you know that, right?”

“What part of my life isn’t crazy, baby? It’s time you hopped on for the ride.” He thrusts his hips forward as he says it, letting his hard cock graze my more-than-tender core.

“How? I blurt. “How is that thing still working?”

“You’re naked. It’s got a one-track mind.”

“You don’t say.”

“So about that ride?” he asks, wiggling his brows.

“I’m too sore and hungover for this,” I laugh.

He rolls me onto my back and settles at my side with our legs tangled together as he stares down at me. The love pouring from his eyes makes my breath catch.

“I’ll take a few kisses and a cuddle then,” he smirks.