A shudder of disgust rolls through me as I think about what new lows she might have to stoop to in order to give me this chance.

Finally, I decide to head to the bathroom as I said I would. If shit is about to go down, then I don’t need to be busting for a pee throughout it.

I push into the small room and shut the door behind me. It’s the first time I’ve had that privilege since being here, and it’s a heady feeling, knowing that I don’t have someone’s eyes on me as I lower my arse to the toilet.

After doing what I need to do, I make quick work of rummaging through the cupboards in the hope of finding more weapons, but disappointingly, each one is empty apart from a new toilet roll, and I really don’t think that’s going to be a whole lot of help.

“Shit,” I hiss when I try the window and find it as firmly covered as the one in the basement.

Stealing a calming breath, I prepare to slip out of the room and search through whatever other rooms are up here.

The second I step foot in the hallway, a loud, obnoxious snore cuts through the silence.

A smile twitches at my lips as I follow the loud noise toward the room at the end of the hall.

The door is ajar, but the room inside is dark, just like the ones downstairs despite the obvious daylight through the front door.

My breath catches in my throat when I find the beast of a man laid out on the bed in just his jeans, his hairy gut hanging over the waistband.

My top lip curls back at the stench of stale old man sweat and something else gross that I don’t even want to try to identify as I sneak deeper into the room, looking for anything useful.

It’s not until I’m standing right behind him that I spot exactly what I want.

His phone is poking out the top of his pocket.

‘Fuck,’ I mouth, clenching my fists to stop my hands from trembling.

If this guy is a light sleeper, then I’m beyond fucked. But if he’s not, if I can pull that free without him realising it’s our way out.

Letting the knife slip from my sleeve, I wrap my fingers around it and hold it tight above the guy’s throat.

Our lives are literally on the line here. If Jonas catches me doing this, then… fuck, I don’t even want to think about what the consequences would be.

I squeeze my eyes closed for a beat and channel my inner bad-arse.

I have to believe that Toby is out there fighting for me, and I need to do exactly the same.

If this goes badly, and I wake him… well, I’ve gotta protect myself. And I will just have to find a way to live with that later.

Blowing out a breath, I force any thoughts out of my mind and count down.


