Cries of agony hit our ears long before we get down the stairs to the basement. And when we do finally round the corner, we find Damien, Charon, Theo, and Alex all watching Daemon as he presses a branding iron into the skin of one of the guys they’ve got strapped naked to the two chairs in the middle of the room.

Both are barely recognisable, their faces swollen and bloody from the beatings and torture they’ve already endured.

I can only assume that it hasn’t been enough, because from the dark cloud surrounding Daemon, I don’t think he has any intentions of stopping anytime soon.

The scent of burning skin makes my stomach turn over a beat before Daemon pulls the red-hot brand back, revealing his artwork.

“I have a question,” I say, stepping forward to stand beside the dark devil himself.

Everyone’s attention in the room follows me as I stare dead into the swollen eyes of our captives.

“How much did the Italians promise you to pull this off for them?”

Both of them sit motionless, and I’m sure that if their faces were in any state to show a reaction, they wouldn’t.

Stupid backstabbing fucking cunts.

Both of them have been with us for years. Or at least, we thought they were on our side. Turns out, they’re about as corrupt as the arsehole Wolves we’ve recently taken down.

“I really hope that you both thought this through before you allowed them to manipulate you into doing their dirty work. You both have families, right?” I ask, having done a little research on the drive back over here thanks to Theo’s intel. “Wives. Kids. It would be a real shame to have to make them suffer because of your stupid fucking choices.”

Still, neither breaks.

“So I can assume that the Marianos have your loved ones somewhere safe. Or are you both so fucking arrogant that they’re sitting at home right now, none the wiser that you’ve sold us out?”

Both Nico and I know the answer to that question, and so do they.

Finally, one of them gives me the reaction I was hoping for as the quietest of whimpers rumbles in the back of his throat.

“What was that?” I ask, leaning a little closer but regretting it the second the stench of piss hits my nose.


“I think we should probably go and pick them all up now, don’t you, Boss?” I ask, turning to look at Damien, who’s watching me with something that I’m sure is pride in his eyes.

“Sure. Alex, Seb, take Stella and Emmie with you. Bring them here peacefully,” he orders.

“Sure thing, Boss,” Alex agrees before a pained cry finally cuts through the air.

“No, no. Leave them out of this.”

Surging forward, I wrap my fingers around the cunt’s throat hard enough to cut off his air supply. His eyes widen in panic, but I don’t let up.

“Then you need to start fucking talking,” I seethe, spitting in his face with every word. “We shouldn’t need to be lecturing you on the fucking importance of family loyalty, soldier. You both know you’re dead because of this fucking stupid stunt, but your families’ lives are very much hanging in the balance right now. I really hope they made it worth your while.”

Silence fills the room, and my grip on his throat only tightens. But despite his earlier protest to protect his family, no further argument falls from either of them.

Until Alex, Seb, and Stella make a move to leave.

“No,” the other cries. “They promised us new lives away from here if we let him free.”

I bare my teeth as I continue to stare at the scumbag in my clutches. His lips are beginning to turn blue, but he still isn’t doing anything to fight me off.

“Is life with us really that bad?” Damien asks, stepping up beside me and finally getting involved.

“No, Boss. I just want more for my children.”