She closes her eyes and sucks in a breath. The move makes my heart jump into my throat, and the kind of fear I hoped not to feel again for a while washes through my veins.

“I’ve had a place accepted at Imperial College Business School.”

Shock floods me.

“W-what?” I stutter. “When did this happen? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I got the email when I was out with Stella on Friday. I just… I didn’t quite believe it. I only applied on the off chance. I didn’t really think they’d want me.”

“Baby,” I sigh. “Why the hell wouldn’t they want you? You’re amazing.”

A shy smile twitches at her lips.

“There’s nothing to be scared about, Demon. We’ll do it together, yeah? We can be study buddies and pull all-nighters.”

“The way you say that doesn’t make it sound like we’ll be getting much studying done.”

“Can you blame me when you’re this hot?” I ask, skimming my hand down over her waist and gripping onto her arse, dragging her body right up against mine.

“I still need to find a job. Something… useful, meaningful. I don’t want to be serving coffee anymore.”

“We’ll figure something out.”

The smile she gives me lights up the room.

“Yeah,” she agrees. “We will. Everything seems less scary when I’ve got you at my side.”

“Good, because that’s how I feel with you.”

* * *

“Oh look, they didn’t fuck off in the middle of the night and leave us with all the mess,” Seb quips when we finally make it down to the kitchen a little over an hour later.

“Leave them alone,” Stella snaps, slapping him around the head. “You two want coffee and breakfast?”

“Tell me you made pancakes,” I beg.

“You know it, Bro. Take a seat.” She lifts her chin toward the table where everyone else is sitting, and I pull a chair out for my girl, making Nico snort in amusement.

“From your attitude, I’m assuming you never got to follow through on your promise,” I tease.

Nico crosses his arms over his chest while Brianna laughs at the other end of the table.

“We’re not allowed to talk about it, apparently,” Alex explains with a smirk. “But I’ve got money on him not being able to get it up, or get her off.”

“Shut your fucking mouth, Deimos,” Nico snaps.

“Whatever happened,” Theo adds, “he certainly didn’t get laid.”

“I fucking hate you lot having girlfriends.”

“Well, if you weren’t such a pig, maybe you could have one of your own,” Bri offers.

“What the fuck is this? Pick on Nico day?”

“Sure, why not,” Alex quips. “Seems as good a day as any for it.”

“Aw,” Stella says, bringing two mugs of coffee over while Calli trails behind with two loaded plates. “Leave poor Nico alone.” She wraps her arm around his shoulder and drops a kiss to his temple. “It’s not his fault he couldn’t find the right hole.”