I shake my head. “Did you get hold of Jesse?” I ask with a wince.

“Yeah, but not until it all calmed down.”

The desperation becomes thick around us and I fight to drag in the air I need.

“Did they get her out?'“

“We don’t know yet. We came straight here for you.”

As much as I appreciate that, I think I’d prefer them to do whatever they could to get to Sara right now. Assuming there’s anything they could have done.

“Is it over? Did Archer and his boys beat them?”

“Yeah,” Theo sighs, dropping into the chair that Stella’s vacated. He rests back, rubs his hands down his thighs, and rolls his head, cracking his neck. “The OGs have lost too many men to keep fighting.”

I nod, not feeling as relieved as I probably should be.

“You need to get that looked at,” I say to Nico as he cradles his arm to his chest.

“It’s not broken,” he states, pain lacing his voice.

“Oh, so you’re a doctor now, huh?” I snark, taking in the deep frown marring his brow.

“I’ve dislocated my shoulder,” he scoffs.

“I offered to pop it back in,” Theo says as if it’s nothing.

“It’s fine, I’ll go see—”

“Who said you could have a party?” Aaron snaps, slipping back into my cubicle with a set of scrubs in his hands.

“We don’t need permission,” Nico says, puffing his chest out.

“Stand down, man,” Theo mutters. “Any chance you could pop his shoulder back in while you’re here?”

“I said I’m—”

“Sure. Toby is done, so hop up on his bed. Consider it a two-for-one offer.”

Nico scoffs, rolling his eyes at Aaron.

“And make sure it hurts,” Theo instructs with a smirk.

Nico glares at Theo. “Fuck you, man. This only happened because I was protecting your arse.”

“Sure it was.”

“Children,” I snap, nowhere near having the energy for their bullshit bickering right now.

“I brought you something to wear.” Aaron offers me the scrubs he’s holding. My lip peels back, despite knowing I don’t have another option after he cut my trousers off me to get to my thigh.


“Aw, Jodie will love it. You can play doctor and she—”

“Where is she, Aaron?” I ask, remembering his deal from earlier.

“Bay twenty-two. But she’s got the—”