“They are. But shit gets fucked up when you find your loyalties are in the wrong place. They made a mistake backing Luis, and now they have to pay the price.

“If they hang around, they’ll be dead. So the only option really is to start over. And gang life is all they’ve ever known. They’re hardly going to find a job somewhere and become an upstanding citizen.”

“I guess.”

“Things are going to be okay there now. And with us and the Reapers behind them, Archer has everything he could need to make a new start.”

Silence falls between us as I pull my eyes away from Toby and look out of the window. My eyes widen when I realise we’ve left the main road behind and are currently surrounded by perfectly kept bushes.

“What the hell is this place? One of the Queen’s holiday residences?” I ask when the biggest set of gates I’ve ever seen appears over the small hill before us.

“I’m not sure. That wasn’t one of the questions I asked,” Toby quips as he brings the car to a stop in front of them before he lowers the window and taps a code into the little keypad.

“Bingo,” he announces as the light turns green and the gates before us begin to swing open smoothly.

“Ho-ly shit, Toby,” I gasp as he pulls forward and the most insane house comes into view. “It’s—”

“Fucking massive,” he breathes, sounding almost as shocked as I am.

The white building before us is so modern it’s damn near futuristic.

The orange hue of the setting sun behind us reflects in the huge windows that cover a massive part of both the ground and first floor of the building.

Huge double doors sit smack bang in the middle. The whole thing is perfectly symmetrical, right down to the flower pots that line the path toward the huge porch.

“It’s insane.”

“Galen said it was a nice place, but shit. This is—”

“We can’t stay here. It’s too much.”

“It’s ours for the whole weekend. The owners are happy for us to make use of it.”

“Toby, we’ll get fucking lost in there.”

He turns to me, a salacious smile curling at his lips. “You fancy a game of hide and seek?”

My eyes drop to his lips as his tongue runs along the bottom one.

“I guess that all depends on what the winner gets,” I whisper, my voice barely above a breathy moan as his teeth replace his tongue, sinking into the soft pillow of his lip.

“Head,” he growls. “Whoever loses has to make the other scream.”

I study him, my heart thumping almost as hard as the pulsating between my legs.

“Sounds like a game I could get behind,” I mutter. “I guess we should maybe go and check it out then. I need to find some good hiding spots.”

“And to think, this was meant to be a relaxing weekend. Come on,” he says, shouldering the door before I get a chance to respond.

I sit there for a couple of seconds, just taking in the insane design of the building in front of me until Toby slams the boot closed and walks around to my side, pulling my door open for me.

“My lady,” he murmurs, gesturing for me to exit.

“Thank you, kind sir.”

We walk to the front door in silence. Toby might be used to wealth and luxury, but something tells me that this place has even shocked him.

My chin drops as he pushes the door open. We step into a perfectly white huge hallway with an elaborate staircase rising from the centre before it splits around both sides of the vast space, toward what I assume are bedrooms.