“A bit of kink. Who knew? Nice little Toby likes tying his girl up and spanking her until she’s glowing.”

“Don’t knock it until you try it,” I scoff, my mind going back to our first night in Hades.

“Oh, I have every intention of fucking trying it.”

“Funny, because I thought you were being a pussy about taking Stella.”

“Nah.” He rubs his hands together hungrily. “It’s gonna happen.”

“Why are we here?” I ask as he drags me into a department store and immediately heads for the escalator.

He looks over at me and winks.

Deep down, I already know. I did from the moment he steered me out of school, but I desperately didn’t want to be disappointed so I kept any kind of hope that wanted to bubble up firmly locked down.

“You can tell me how much you love me later, bro.”

“You’re a dirty motherfucker,” I tell him as we walk through the rails of ladies’ clothing in the direction where the signs are pointing toward the fitting rooms.

“Oh, because you’re a fucking angel,” he deadpans.

Tapping out a quick message on his phone, he tucks it back in his pocket.

Suspiciously, there are no members of staff anywhere near. Their little station at the entrance is completely abandoned as we enter.

“At the end on the left. We’ve got ten minutes. Whoever makes them scream loudest gets out of buying lunch.”

“You’re a dickhead.”

“Meh, couldn’t give a fuck.”

Pulling the curtain back of the cubicle opposite the one he directed me to, he slips inside a beat before Stella starts giggling.

Well, when in Rome…

Reaching out, I copy his move, finding my girl standing in just a lacy red thong I ordered online for her when she was sleeping last week.

The sight of her makes my mouth water, which isn’t exactly how I’d describe her reaction as she screams in fright, her arms wrapping around her exposed tits in an attempt to cover up.

“Get the hel— Toby?” she gasps once her brain has caught up with her shock.

I don’t respond. There isn’t time for small talk.

Instead, I surge toward her, spin her around and push her against the mirror. She cries out in surprise as the cold glass collides with her heated skin.

Another yelp passes her lips when my palm collides with her bare arse cheek.

“Shit, Toby,” she pants, already desperate from just that one touch.

Sinking to my knees, I twist the thin sides of her thong in my hands until it falls away from her body, allowing me to stuff my prize into my pocket.

I might own her now, but I’m not sure stealing her underwear will ever get old.

“Open your legs, Demon. I want your cunt.”

She does exactly as she’s told and in only seconds, I’m between her thighs with my back to the mirror.

Our eyes collide as she stares down at me before I sweep my tongue up the length of her, letting her taste fill my mouth.