She shakes her head and my heart sinks.

How am I meant to tell Jodie that we left while Sara was still inside that pile of bricks as the fire continued to consume anything in its wake? How am I meant to tell her that she’s lost someone else that she cares about, if that is the outcome of this? Honestly, from the state of the place, the heat of the flames and the thickness of the smoke, I’m struggling to convince myself that she can be okay. My stomach knots as guilt assaults me at that thought.

“Shit,” I hiss, letting my head drop back as the nurse wheels a little trolley over.

“Okay, so my name is Aaron and I’m going to check you over and clean you up. Are you okay with your visitor being present for this?”

“Yes. She’s my sister,” I say, keeping my eyes closed, my skin prickling with his attention.

“Is anything hurting other than the obvious?” he asks, his fingers pressing against a seriously painful spot on my upper arm.

“I’m fine. I just want to know where Jodie is.”

“I beg to differ. You’re dripping blood all over my clean bed,” he deadpans.

“Toby, just let the man do his job. You’re no good to Jodie with half your arm gaping open.”

“Wha—” I lift my head once more and look down at my arm. “Jesus.”

“Now do you see my point?” Stella says, glaring at me from the corner.

“All right, Mum,” I hiss, letting my head fall back once more, and Aaron does something to my arm that sends a pain so strong through me that it makes my stomach turn over. “How long is this going to take?”

“Depends how good a patient you are. But from the amount of blood that’s soaked into your trousers, I suspect it’s not going to be a quick job. Would I be right in guessing you were in the Lovell Estate this evening?” Aaron asks.

I crack an eye open and assess him. He glances up, sensing my attention, but he doesn’t cower or shy away.

“I grew up in the valley. I’m more than aware of what it’s like down there and what the current situation is.”

“Do you still have family there?” I ask, suddenly seeing a whole new side to him.

“Yeah, but they’re not home right now.”

“You have intel?” I ask.

“I’ve got a friend in the know. I got them out last week.”

“G-good,” I choke out as the image of the destruction we left behind fills my mind. “That’s good.”

Ripping my eyes from him, they fall on Stella, who’s watching me with pain and fear etched into her features.

“They’re going to be okay, Stel. They’re gonna come back to us.”

She nods, swallowing thickly as she looks back down at her phone.

“Come here,” I say, holding my hand out for her.

She looks at Aaron, who nods in agreement.

“I think I’m going to be busy on this side for a while.”

“Great,” I mutter.

“You want a local anaesthetic?” he asks me.

“Nah, just stitch me up and point me in the direction of my girl.”