“Can’t wait to taste you, baby. To lick you clean before I dirty you up all over again.”

Her teeth sink into her bottom lip as she watches me stuff them into my jacket pocket.

“Dirty dog.”

“You love it,” I point out, finally lifting her from my lap and depositing her back in her own seat. “Careful though, cum stains are a bitch to get out of this upholstery,” I tease, fighting to keep my smirk at bay.

Her head snaps around to me, her lips parting in shock.

“Just how many girls have you fucked in here, Tobias?” she hisses.

“Aw, baby. Jealousy looks so damn good on you.”

“Fuck off, I’m not jealous,” she argues with a huff of annoyance.

“Sure. So you’re not currently imagining a hundred and one ways you could hurt any girl who’s ever touched me?”

“No, of course not. I’ll leave you with thoughts of torture and murder, if it’s all the same to you.”

I throw my head back on a laugh at her words.

“Damn, I thought it might be some kind of couples bonding thing that we could do together.”

“Killing your exes?” she asks, her eyes widening.

“Well… I wouldn’t go as far as calling any of the girls I’ve spent time with before exes. You’re the only girl who’s ever meant anything to me,” I confess, reaching out and cupping her cheek.

“Aw,” she sighs, her expression softening. “And yet, you haven’t actually asked me to be your girlfriend yet. Be careful, Tobias, or I’ll start thinking you’re not serious about me.”

Before I even manage to form a response to that comment, she pushes her door open and jumps out.

Reaching for the container of cheesecake she’d placed safely on the dashboard, I follow her, tucking myself away as I go and catch up to her just before she reaches the door.

“Trying to run, baby?” I ask, finding the bottom of her skirt and dipping my hand beneath it.

Her thighs are a mess as my cum drips down them.

“Toby,” she cries and tries to shoot forward.

“You can’t run from me, baby. And even if you could, it’s unlikely you’d forget who owns you anytime soon with all my cum leaking out of you.”

“Jesus,” she mutters, as I push two fingers inside her.

“Push the call button, Demon,” I demand before pressing her against the wall beside the lift as I continue to fingerfuck her, pushing all my cum that’s not already running down her thighs back inside her.

My mouth waters at the thought of laying her out on my bed in only a few minutes and eating her until she can’t remember her own name.

“You’d better hope these doors don’t open and reveal your sister,” she says on a gasp.

“Trust me, she’s seen and done worse.”

Thankfully, though, when the doors do open, they reveal an empty car.

Pressing the length of my body against her back, I brush my lips against the shell of her ear.

“Last chance to try and run, Demon,” I warn. “You told me a few minutes ago that I hadn’t asked you to be mine. Well, I can assure you that by the time I’m done with you tonight, there’s going to be no doubt in your mind exactly who you belong to.”

A violent shudder rips through her body at my words.