I’m trying to remain positive, but I’m finding it harder and harder to hold on to. I know Jesse is the same. I see it in the deep lines of his face every time I see him.

He still hasn’t left the hospital. He’ll go as far as the restaurant when Sara’s parents turn up, but that’s it.

My heart aches as I think of his home. Of the one place that he might feel some kind of comfort right now. But it’s gone. Every single thing Sara and Jesse had went up in flames in their flat. All their memories. Sara’s artwork, her business.

I’m fighting back the tears once more when footsteps thunder up the stairs and a dark shadow fills my doorway.

“You nearly ready, baby?” Toby asks softly, his eyes dropping to my body as I sit at my dressing table in just my underwear.

“Yeah.” Blinking away my tears, I quickly swipe some mascara onto my lashes. Brave, I know, but I want to walk out of the house in a few minutes looking as put together as I possibly can.

Pushing from my stool, I walk over to the bed and pick up the two dresses I’ve left out.

“Which one?” I ask, holding them up for him.

“You mean staying as you are isn’t an option?” Toby quirks a brow at me, his eyes continuing to eat up my body instead of looking at the fabric hanging from my fingers.

“We’re going to your parents’ for lunch. No, it’s not an option.” I roll my eyes, and he finally glances at his options.

“Pink one,” he states before pulling them both from my hold, taking my face in his hands and brushing his lips against mine.

“Why the pink one?” I ask, needing to know his reason for choosing my favourite out of the two before I let him distract me with his drugging kisses.

“Because.” Kiss. “It reminds me.” Kiss. “Of our first.” Kiss. “Night.” Kiss.

I can’t help but laugh. “So we’re going to be sitting around your parents’ dining table while you remember nailing me in Hades?” I ask.

“Something like that,” he confesses, taking a step closer so I have no choice but to feel what just one thought of that night does to him—or it might be the sight of me in my black lace underwear, to be fair.

His tongue plunges past my lips, seeking my own out to play as one of his hands skims down my body, being careful of the fresh bandages he put on me after my shower not so long ago until he’s squeezing my arse and ensuring there is zero space between us.

A deep growl rumbles in the back of his throat as our kiss deepens.

We haven’t done any more than this since I was released from the hospital, and while I love that he’s taking care of me and ensuring my wounds are healing as they should, I’m damn near desperate for the escape his body can offer me.

Now more than ever.

Losing Dad and Joe was hard, learning the truth about them even harder. But this unknown with Sara? It’s unbearable, and I’d do just about anything to get out of my own head right now, even if just for a few minutes.

My hands slide down his sides until I connect with his waistband and I slip my fingers under the fabric of his shirt.

“Demon,” he growls into our kiss as his skin pebbles from my touch, his muscles bunching as I work higher. “You’re going to make us late.”

I still for a beat before stepping back out of his arms.

“Well, we can’t have that. Whatever would your mother think of me?” I say, putting on my most prim and proper voice as my eyes lock on to where his cock is trying to bust out of his trousers.

He chuckles, reaching down for my chosen dress.

“Rain check?” he asks, pushing his hand into his boxers to rearrange himself.

Without realising it, my own fingers curl as if I’m about to wrap my hand around his length. My breathing becomes more erratic and I bite down on my bottom lip.

“I’m sure we could be a few minutes late.”

The most incredible smile lights up his face before he shakes his head at me.

“Demon,” he says so quietly it sends a shiver racing down my spine. “Get dressed, and if you’re a good girl at dinner, maybe I’ll reward you for it later.”