“Yeah. This place is yours, Mum. Rent free for as long as you want it.”

Her lips part to respond before my words really register.

“My place?”

“Toby’s asked me to move in with him.”

She chuckles at me, happiness still shining bright in her eyes.

“I’m so proud of you, Jojo.”

“Even if I did manage to find myself in the middle of this life despite everything?”

“I never had anything against this life. But I’ve always been an advocate for following your heart, and I’m pretty sure yours has led you to exactly where you’re meant to be.”

“I just hate that it took so much loss to get here.”

She reaches for my hand and holds me tight.

“Joe would have liked Toby too,” she tells me honestly.

“Shame he had to try to kill his sister though, huh?”

“Yes, that was… unfortunate.” Sadness washes over her. “But I firmly believe he wasn’t really to blame for that.”

“I know, Mum. Deep down, Joe wasn’t the kind of man who would ever do that. It’s all on Jonas. All of this falls on his shoulders.”

Mum shakes her head.

“Things can only get better from her on out, baby girl. I think I’ll be buying a new hat soon, too.”

I try to laugh that off, but it’s harder than I expect as the comment hits me right in the heart.

I’ve never really thought all that much about serious relationships and marriage. But here I am, suddenly wondering what it might be like to walk down an aisle toward the man I’m more than ready to spend the rest of my days with.

“Who knows what the future holds? I certainly never thought we’d be right here only a few weeks ago.”

“Same, sweetheart. You fancy going out? We can visit Sara, get some lunch and then stop to buy something nice for this place.”

“Sounds good. I just need to be back for—”

“Oh. I know,” she teases.

“You know?”

“I’m sworn to secrecy. Come on.”