“The guy we can’t find is with them. She stole his phone, called Bri to get us to track the number. Jonas must have got wind of something happening, because he came and dragged her out of the bathroom where she was hiding.”

“Fuck,” I breathe, red-hot fury filling my veins.

“We’re pretty sure he threw her down the stairs.”

“Jesus fucking Christ,” I boom. “She’s his fucking daughter. Get us there now, Nic. Go fucking faster.”

“The others are there,” he says, handing me his phone so I can see their tracking dots.

“Why the fuck are they outside still?”

Nico and Bri share a look.

“They’re listening in. He’s pulled the fucking gas pipe and is threatening to let it go up.”

“No,” I breathe, all the air rushing from my lungs at the severity of this whole situation. “He wouldn’t. He loves them too much.”

“He threw Jodie down the fucking stairs, Toby,” Bri says, although it’s completely unnecessary. I’ve seen her. Sitting around that table with cuts and bruises marring her face.

“I know,” I mutter. “How the fuck are we gonna get them out of there?”

“Boss has a plan,” Nico says, damn near overturning his car as he takes a corner way too fucking fast.

“It better be a fucking good one,” I mutter, holding onto the back of the passenger seat as if my life depends on it—which it absolutely fucking does with the way Nico is driving.

“Thank fuck,” I bark the second Nico starts slowing to a stop at the end of Jodie’s street. I don’t wait for him to pull to a halt. Instead, I jump out and start running toward the small crowd of dark figures hiding in the shadows. Every normal member of the public would probably miss them. But I’m far from fucking normal.

“Boss, what’s happening?” I ask, coming to a stop in front of Damien.

He stares at me, compassion and deadly determination warring in his dark eyes.

“He’s threatening to blow the house.”

“I fucking know that. I want to know what’s happening to stop him from doing it.”

“We’re trying to get a shot at him. Take him out before he flicks that goddamn lighter.”

Dread washes through me. “Is that a good idea?” Because a bullet and gas sound like a really fucking bad one to me.

“We’re going to get your girl out, Toby. Trust us.”

Damien lifts his hand to his ear, where I assume he has an earpiece, before nodding.

“The second you’ve got it, take him down. We’re ready.”

“W-who are you talking to?” I ask, looking around to see who’s here.

“Stefanos and Daemon. All the guys are in those bedrooms, waiting for the shot.” He jerks his chin in the direction of the houses directly opposite Jodie’s as Nico and Brianna come to stand with us. “Daemon has the best vantage point.”

I glance back at the windows, but I can’t see him. I can’t fucking see anyone.

I trust my brothers with my life, and I trust Jodie’s with them too. I just fucking hope it’s enough, because if that house goes up with her inside it, then I may as well just run in there too and go with her.

“Here,” Evan says, handing me and Nico earpieces so we can get in on the action.

I hesitate, unsure if I really want to know any of this, but equally aware that I’m about to do whatever it takes to get her out, to wrap her in my arms and never fucking let her go.

“You all in position?” Daemon’s cold voice crackles in my ear.