Jodie’s pleas and Jonas’ vicious comebacks about how I don’t love her and never did taunt me as I sit with my back against the wall, my arms locked around my legs.

She’s at home. At fucking home and having a nice family meal. How have we missed them? We’ve searched every inch of that goddamn house. Where the fuck are they?

Surely, he’s not risking moving them in and out. Anyone could see that and alert us to it. Bri has spoken to more than a few of the neighbours and they’re aware we’re looking for them.

He can’t just move around like the ghost he should be, not when he has two captives with him.

A loud bang from upstairs rattles the wall I’m leaning against, and a small, pathetic whimper rips from my lips.

I hate that he has the power to reduce me to a terrified mess when we don’t even know where he fucking is.

My entire body trembles, my stomach churning with dread that I might be forced to watch him walk down those stairs in a few seconds.

Things are different now. You can take him, a rational voice tells me. Yet despite knowing it’s true, it doesn’t help. But fear of this place overrides everything.

There’s another loud, terror-inducing bang before the door to the basement is heaved open.

Scrambling to my feet, I back up into the darkest corner in the hope of either hiding or being able to get one up on him when he descends, I have no idea.

“Toby.” Jodie’s voice rings out again before feet get closer.

“Tobes? What the fuck is going on?”


It’s Nico.

Relief floods me as I run from the shadows.

“She’s at—”

“Home,” he finishes for me.

“How do you know that?” I ask over my shoulder as I race up the stairs, the fear that was consuming every inch of me only seconds ago draining from me.

“She called Bri. Theo tracked the number,” he states behind me, but there’s something in his tone that I really don’t like.

“Is she okay?”

Only silence greets that question.

Spinning on my heels, I slam straight into his body.

“Tell me what the fuck is going on,” I demand.

“There’s no fucking time for this. Get your arse in the fucking car. Your girl needs us.” His fingers wrap around my upper arms and he damn near drags me out of the house as my heart thrashes to a reckless beat inside my chest.

My legs take on a life of their own when I spot Nico’s car out the front of the house with Bri sitting in the passenger seat. Being pissed about her obviously following me when I told her not to doesn’t even register as I throw myself into the back.

“What’s going on? Is she okay?”

Bri looks around. Her eyes connect with mine, and the expression on her face says it all.

“She’s fighting, man. She’s fighting so hard to get back to you,” Nico says, wheelspinning out of the driveway and racing down the street.

“That doesn’t make me feel all that much better. Tell me everything that’s happened.”