“How?” Theo spits.

“You could still be fighting off that Italian fuck,” Seb reminds him.

“It could be a Wolf,” I offer.

“None of them are that fucking stupid. We’ve already proved what happens when they go anywhere near her.”

“So what are you left with?” I ask. “She’s going to end up with one of us,” I say, not meaning literally one of the five of us, but someone within the Family.

Theo’s teeth grind as I’m sure he pictures a few of the faces of the younger members of the Family we work with. I can’t deny, I can’t really come up with a good candidate out of the lot of them. Maybe Alex isn’t so bad.

“She can just stay single forever,” he finally says, reaching for his bag and throwing it over his shoulder. “Get cats or something.”

“Fucking hypocrite,” Alex mutters as Theo stalks off.

Both Seb and I turn our eyes on him as he bends over, pulling his socks on.

“What?” he snaps, sensing our attention.

“Do you actually like her?”

“Calli? Nah, I’m just yanking their chains. I need some kind of fucking entertainment around here while you’re all off fucking your girls.”

I watch him for a few seconds, trying to figure out if he’s bullshitting us or not, but in the end, I give up. I’ve got somewhere much more appealing to be than standing having this discussion in our stinking locker room.

I drive home like a bat out of hell, and in record time, I’m pulling up in our underground garage and heading for the stairs. The lift is probably faster, but the thought of standing there just watching the numbers climb puts me off, and I head for the stairs.

My lungs hurt and my legs are like jelly by the time I’ve got to the penultimate floor where our flats are, but I don’t let it slow me down as I race toward my front door and press my hand to the scanner.

I rush into my living room, my eyes darting everywhere as I search for her.

“Demon, where are you hiding?” I call, excitement stirring in my belly.

Not finding her, I turn toward the bedrooms.

“Are you naked in my bed, baby?” I growl, my cock hardening at the thought of finding her laid out on my bed, waiting for me.

Shit, I damn near drool, and I rush forward.

But the second I fly around the doorway, I come to a grinding halt.

And everything comes crashing down around me.