“Sounds just like the female version of my pig of a brother. If I have to hear him say that a girl is only as good as her pussy is tight, I’m gonna vom on his feet.”

“Pretty sure they could be the perfect match,” Stella says, ignoring Calli.

“Oh, they totally are. Sadly, I think they’re both too stubborn to see it.”

“You should invite her to hang out with us, see if we can intervene.”

“Nico does not need us playing matchmaker, Stel,” Emmie says.

“I know. But how funny will it be to watch him fall at her feet?”

“Okay, yes. I would fucking pay to see him called to heel by his woman.”

A round of laughter rings through the car before I turn back to look at Calli.

“So what about you then? I know the ins and outs—literally—of these two’s relationships. You got anyone on the go?”

Calli’s cheeks blaze with heat, but her eyes are like ice as she silently pleads with me to drop it.


“Nah, I’m not interested in those idiots.”

“She’s still hanging on to her V-card, aren’t you, Baby C?” Stella teases.

“Don’t fucking start,” Calli warns.

“There’s nothing wrong with waiting.”

“Oh, I know. I was moaning about the nickname.”

“You love it.”

“Hmm…” she mumbles.

“You’ve been texting someone though, haven’t you, Cal?” Emmie pipes up.

“Oooh, why don’t I know about this?” Stella asks, shooting her friend a look in the rear-view mirror.

“Because it’s nothing,” Calli says. “What are your plans for Valentine’s?” she asks, trying to deflect the conversation.

“I’m hoping there might be a trip to Hades in my future,” Stella confesses. “I’m desperate to check the place out. Is it as good as I’m imagining?” she asks me.

“It’s pretty insane, yeah.”

“I want in too. You reckon Theo will let me tie him up?”

“Hell no, he’s way too much of a control freak,” Stella laughs.

“Oh, I don’t know. I’m quite good at turning him around to my way of thinking.”

“I’m sure the promise of a good blowy might help,” I add.

“Hmm… is a double date in a sex club on Valentine’s too cliché?”

“How the fuck should I know? I let a stranger take me there as a one-night stand.”

“And look how well that turned out. Drama aside,” Stella says, finally pulling into the underground garage beneath their flats.