He shrugs. “Spent all night in Lovell on surveillance.”

“Boss really is taking all this shit seriously, huh?”

“With good reason, I think.”


“I have no evidence, but I’ve got a bad feeling.”

“Great. Just what we need,” I mutter as he follows me through the flat. “Beer?”

“Hell yeah,” he mutters before dropping down beside Theo and immediately getting down to business.

Things have been weird between them for a few years now. Ever since Daemon dived headfirst into the Family instead of focusing on school, I think Theo’s felt a little pushed out. He wants to be the boss, the big man as heir, but Daemon generally has more of a clue about what’s going on. But recently, Theo seems to have chilled about it all a little. Possibly Emmie’s influence, who knows? But it’s nice to see them getting along and working together better these days.

Daemon isn’t a threat to Theo’s position. Yes, he’s a fantastic soldier, but he’s not a leader. Their skillsets are completely different, and if they do manage to continue to figure it out, together they will be fucking dangerous.

“You look fucking wrecked, man,” Alex helpfully points out, finally dragging his eyes from the TV for a second.

“Yeah, thanks,” Daemon mutters, stealing his beer from the coffee table.

“Hey, that’s— Oh, you fucking motherfucker,” he spits as Nico whoops in celebration as he’s finally booted from his winning streak.

“Bro, you’re meant to be on my fucking side,” Alex snaps at his twin, who cheers Nico on.

“Uh… whoops,” Daemon says innocently, lifting Alex’s beer to his lips with a smirk. “You never were a good loser. Some things never change,” he mutters.

“What the fuck are you talking about? I never lose,” Alex sulks.

“Evidently,” Daemon deadpans as Theo rips the controller from Alex and sets up another game.

The six of us fall into easy conversation about life, school, football, girls, until Seb gets a message from Stella letting us know that they’re on their way back and to be ready.

His face lights up like a fucking Christmas tree as he taps out a response.

“Don’t even fucking think about it,” I warn, seeing his filthy intentions swirling around his eyes.

“No idea what you’re talking about, man.”

“You’re not fucking my sister in my flat,” I seethe.

“Yeah, yeah. We’ll see what happens when you’re distracted with your own girl.”

“Wait,” Daemon pipes up. “Toby’s got a girl?”

“Oh mate,” Alex laughs. “You’re gonna fucking love this one.”

“Jesus Christ,” I mutter, scrubbing my hand down my face, knowing that I’m not going to love what’s about to fall from his lips.

“She’s Joker’s sister.”

Daemon stills for a beat as that information settles.

“She’s your fucking sister?” he barks. “I’m all for a few kinks, man, but don’t you think that’s taking it a bit far?” he asks, dark humour sparkling in his eyes.

“She’s not my sister,” I sigh. “We share no blood, nor knew each other existed.”

“Didn’t stop you with Stella,” Seb deadpans.