She quirks a brow at me as if to say ‘really?’ but she finally concedes. All the while, my stomach twists painfully as I silently question my sanity for asking for more of this torture.

“We’ll reassess this Sunday night. If you’re still here.”

“I’m not a quitter,” I argue, annoyed by her opinion of me.

“I’m not saying you are. If I was a bitch, I’d be telling you that you’re a natural right now because of the money you’ve made me tonight just by hobbling around in your shoes, but I’m not. My girls are important to me. I want them happy, comfortable in their job. And you, new girl, are anything but. So I’m giving you an out.

“Go home tonight, think about it, and let me know by lunchtime tomorrow if you’re coming back.”

I nod, unable to argue anymore.

“Go, get out of here. Take your shoes off.”

“But my shift doesn’t end for twenty minutes.”

“It’s fine. Go. And think about what I said.”

“O-okay. Thank you,” I say, forcing a smile on my face.

Rolling my shoulders back, I stand tall and walk out of the main bar, putting as little weight as possible on the balls of my feet as I head toward the back of the building and the dressing rooms.

In only minutes, I’m dressed in leggings and an oversized hoodie and I’m sighing in relief as I pull my Ugg boots on.

“Yes,” I hiss, throwing the death shoes into the locker Courtney allocated me before balling up my outfit and stuffing it into the laundry basket. Definitely a perk of the job, not having to wash that myself.

Hiking my bag up on my shoulder, I walk out with my head held high.

Courtney may well be right, I might not be cut out for this job, but like hell am I going to let it show on my face.

Pushing out the side door, I’m immediately assaulted by the brisk air. The first flowers of spring might be popping up here and there, but we’re still deep in the throes of winter.

Thoughts of Valentine’s Day that’s right around the corner make my heart sink as I make my way around the building to meet Sara, who promised to come to keep me company on the walk home.

I’ve never really been a big romantic, preferring no-strings hookups to meaningful relationships, but meeting Toby skewed all of that. I wasn’t aware of the future I was planning—it was a subconscious thing mostly—but nonetheless, my heart ran away with me.

The wind whips around me, my ears starting to burn from the cold as I look for Sara.

Not seeing her, I take off in the direction of their flat in the hope of bumping into her.

I’m too up in my head to really pay attention to my surroundings. I’d like to think if I was of sound mind then I’d have my wits about me a little more when walking in a place like Lovell in the dead of night. But I can claim no such thing right now after recent events.

The second I step in line with the alleyway that leads around the back of Foxes, an arm darts out and drags me into the darkness.

The scent of stale cigarette smoke and whiskey fills my nose as I drag in a breath, ready to scream. But I don’t get the chance, because a hot, dirty hand covers my mouth a beat before I’m slammed back against the wall.My head ricochets off the brickwork, sending a shooting pain down my neck.

My heart jumps into my throat as fear wraps itself around me, rendering my body utterly useless as I stare into the dark eyes of the man who was taunting me inside.


Clearly, he’s not so harmless after all.

“So the boss thinks you’re too good for her place, huh?” he leers. “Thinks you’re too sweet, too innocent for the likes of us,” he snarls as red-hot tears burn the backs of my eyes.

My phone rings and the piercing sound coming from a few feet away is the first clue that I dropped it when he grabbed me.

A whimper rips up my throat, but it’s cut off by his hand pressing harder against my mouth.

“Well, let’s see if everyone thinks you’re so fucking special after I’ve finished with you.”