“No,” he states, continuing to prowl forward, the distance between us growing dangerously close. “I needed to see you. I needed to know that you’re okay. I don’t deserve the chance to talk. Not until you’re ready.”

“So you messaged me why?”

“Pretty sure you started that, Demon.”

My lips part to argue, but then I remember that he probably saw me staring at my phone about to message him in the park, and I was the one to start it just now.

When he gets so close the heat of his body burns through my clothes and into my skin, I take a huge step back.

I refuse to let him disarm me with his touch. He knows as well as I do just how powerful it is.

“I just want a chance to talk to you. In private,” he adds, his eyes never leaving mine.

“And what about what I want?”

“I’ll give you anything,” he says, the sincerity of his words making my chest ache.

“You know, it’s funny. Not so long ago, I thought you were doing just that. Excuse me.”

I spin around and manage to take a step before his fingers wrap around my wrist, stopping me from escaping.

I tug, trying to free myself from his grasp, but his hold is too strong.

Nothing is said as we stand there in a silent battle of wills.

“Please, Jodie. I need you. I need—”

Wheeling around, I lift my free hand before he has a chance to notice and swing it as hard as I can. My palm connects with his cheek with a loud and painful crack, forcing his head to swing to the side.

A gasp rips from my throat as reality hits.

Holding my burning hand against my chest, I wait for him to react, terrified as to what I’m going to find staring back at me when he looks around.

“Toby,” I breathe, my voice quivering more than I’d like it to.

After another two seconds, he turns his head back to me, and the streetlights above make his dark, treacherous eyes look even more terrifying with the way they sparkle.

He lifts his hand to his cheek as my body begins to tremble in fear.

His fingers brush the red angry skin there as he glares at me.

The Toby I fell for isn’t the man who’s staring at me right now. I have no doubt that the monster before me is the one my father trained into his perfect, brutal soldier.

“Get in the car, Jodie,” he seethes, his voice low as the threatening raindrops begin hitting the ground around me.

“I-I don’t think th—“

“I said, get in the car.”

His fingers grip my upper arm and I gasp as pain radiates from his touch.

“Toby,” I whimper as he pushes me forward.

“I won’t hurt you, Jodie. But I really need you not to test my fucking patience right now,” he forces out through gritted teeth.

Knowing what he’s capable of, I quickly decide that the best course of action here is probably just to do as I’m told.

He rips the door open and none too gently shoves me inside as the rain gets heavier around us.