“You really like her, huh?”

“I’ve got a few wrongs to right.”

“Sure, that’s what it’s all about. Nothing to do with wanting to kidnap her and have a do-over of your dirty weekend in that cabin. Or maybe another trip to Hades.”

“Seb taken you yet?” I ask, more than happy to turn this around on her.

“No,” she sulks.

“Don’t even think about asking me to convince him,” I hiss.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got ways of getting what I want,” she says happily as we walk into the school restaurant, the scent of today’s options hitting my nose and making my empty stomach growl louder.

“I don’t want to know,” I mutter as we join the line.

“Ah look, the rest of the idiots look about as bad as you.” She tilts her chin in the direction of our table, and when I glance over, I spot Theo, Nico, and Alex looking like death warmed up. “Daemon is practically glowing. I guess he missed out on the invite too,” she points out as the devil in question stalks toward our table like a younger version of the Grim Reaper.

“You should tell him that,” I suggest. “I bet it’ll make his day.”

“Oh yeah, because he really screams ‘I live for compliments and kind gestures’,” she mocks before she shrieks, dragging my eyes away to see what’s wrong. I soon wish I never bothered when I turn to find Seb molesting her.

“Jesus,” I mutter, moving forward with the line and leaving them to it.

When I finally join the guys at the table, everyone is silent, still suffering from the night before, thank fuck.

“Well, look at you bunch of reprobates,” Emmie announces loudly as she threads her fingers into Theo’s hair and drags his head back roughly. Clearly, she’s still as pissed off as Stella is about being left out last night.

“Baby C, how’s it going?” Alex perks up when he spots the bubbly brunette that is Nico’s little sister bouncing up to the table in her PE kit consisting of a pretty tight polo shirt and a damn near indecent white pleated skirt.

Her steps falter as she scans all of us.

“Jesus, you lot must have had a fun night.”

“Don’t worry,” Daemon pipes up. “They didn’t invite me either.”

Ignoring him, she drops down beside Alex, whose face immediately lights up. I’m pretty sure he’s just doing it to torture Nico. Although, this is Alex we’re talking about. I doubt he’d actually turn Calli down if she were to ever take his advances seriously. Stupid fuck. There’s no way I’d be putting my cock on the line like that.

“Did you want anything, Calli?” Nico snaps, keeping his narrowed eyes on Alex—or more specifically his hands that are resting on the table. “Ow,” he complains when Emmie releases Theo’s lips and slaps Nico upside the head.

“You just came to show off this little skirt, did you, Baby C,” Alex teases, pulling his arm back.

“Drop your hand beneath the table, Deimos, and I’ll cut the fucking thing off.”

“Oh, big brother is touchy today,” Alex taunts.

“Fuck you,” Nico sulks.

Thankfully, Seb and Stella finally grace us with their presence and take over the conversation, allowing me to shut down as I eat my way through my lunch and think about all the homework I’ve got to catch up on.

* * *

“What are we doing tonight, bro?”Nico asks as I stuff my dirty football kit into my bag after practice.

“I have no idea what you’re doing but I’ve got a shitload of work to do, even more since Mrs. Parks caught me sleeping in history and gave me extra.”

“Oh burn.” He snaps his fingers like a dick.

“You’re gonna need to go talk to Alex if you wanna go out and get your dick wet again.”