Everything was weirdly quiet as Theo parked up his car a short distance from the Den in the hope that it would be safe. But the second we invited ourselves into Archer’s headquarters, we discovered that things weren’t as peaceful as the streets led us to believe.

Archer, Dax, and Jace stand around a door in the floor of the main room that I had no fucking clue even existed as their Wolves pass weapons up the stairs that descend into darkness.

“You ready for this, Cirillo?” Archer barks, his face hard and his eyes fierce as he prepares to fight at long last for what’s rightfully his.

“You fucking know we are. Backup’s on its way,” Theo agrees.

“Good. They’ve already started hitting our businesses over on the west side, and they’re heading this way.”

“Your businesses?” I ask despite the fact that I heard every single word he just said perfectly.

“Yes. I’ll let them take a few, allow them to think they’re going to win this thing. We’ll take them fucking down before they start hitting the east.”'

My eyes fly to Jesse, who’s standing at the very top of the stairs, passing guns to a guy who’s laying them all out on the table for another to check and load.

His eyes are hungry, desperate to fight for the gang he swore into years ago, but I also see the fear in them. I know as well as everyone else that his girl lives above one of the Wolves’ betting shops on the east.

“We’ll stop them before they get past this part of the estate,” Archer states, clearly reading my silent conversation with Jesse.

A ringing phone pierces the tension hanging in the air. Archer swipes his screen and lifts it to his ear.

“Yes,” he barks as I take the gun Alex hands me along with more ammunition than I’m going to be able to carry. “Fuck. Fuck. Yes, we’re on our way.”

All eyes fall on him for a beat, but he doesn’t let it dampen his determination. Instead, his shoulders widen and his chest puffs out.

“Time to go boys. Let’s take them down for fucking good.”

A round of agreement ripples through the large room full of men as more come rushing in behind us. Most are Wolves, but there are a few of us mixed in with them.

“Who owns this fucking estate?” Archer booms over the ruckus of everyone reaching for weapons.

“The Wolves rule this fucking Den,” they all roar back, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end before they let out the most almighty howl that I’m sure actual wolves would be impressed with.

My eyes collide with Nico’s just in time to see him attempt to cover his laugh of amusement.

“We should have a tagline, dude,” Alex says with a twinkle in his eye.

“Fuck off,” Theo barks as someone comes to stand with us. “I’m not howling like a fucking animal in the hope it’ll make someone scared of me.”

“He’s right,” our latest addition agrees. “The devil is always more effective when he moves quietly in the dark. No one ever sees you coming that way.”

“Daemon,” Theo greets with a nod, the corner of his lips twitching up.

“What the fuck did you do to get this party started, bro?” Alex asks.

“Make your moves quietly and in the dark, bro.” Daemon winks before shooting his brother a rare smile. “Ready to go put some Wolves in the ground?” he asks, danger and death oozing from his every pore.

“Just make sure you’re pointing that rifle at the right fucking Wolves, Deimos,” Archer says, clapping Daemon on the shoulder.

“You doubting me, Wolfe?”

“Wouldn’t fucking dream of it.”

Archer stands before everyone and casts his eyes over his crew, who are all standing in front of us.

“This is our fucking estate, and we fight with everything we have to ensure it stays that way. Those corrupt fucking bastards belong with their cunt of a leader.”