“I know, babe, and you won’t. That stubborn fuck isn’t going anywhere but right by your side, okay?”

She quietly agrees down the line, but my words have done little to console her. I just hope whatever is going on isn’t going to give her, us, any real reason to worry.

As I get deeper into the estate, the sight of smoke filling the sky and the bright orange of flames in the distance makes my stomach knot.

Panic and dread flood me. Thoughts of Jesse, of Toby and the guys make my blood turn to ice.

“Jesus, that looks—”

The car rocks, the ground beneath us jolting as a loud explosion booms around us making me squeal in fright.

“I’m not sure this is a good idea, sweetheart.”

“I don’t have a choice. You either take me or I’ll walk from here,” I warn.

He blows out a breath but thankfully keeps driving while chaos seems to ensue just a few streets away.

Please, God. Please don’t force me to say goodbye to anyone else.