A grin twitches at my lips.

“I don’t want you falling behind because of me and my drama.”

“It’s totally fine. Come on, it’s freezing, and neither of us have willing guys to warm us up when we get home.”

“I beg to differ. I think we’ve both got more than willing ones.”

She barks a laugh as we climb into the back of the Uber and I roll my eyes as Bri immediately starts flirting with the driver.

“So, what are you going to do about Nico?” I ask, more than curious about what she’s planning for revenge.

“Right now, nothing. But I have every confidence that the perfect opportunity will present itself soon enough.”

“He’s going to regret the day he ever met you, isn’t he?”

Bri laughs, but I can see the devil smiling back at me in her eyes.

“Oh, I don’t know. I wouldn’t go that far. I’m sure he’ll get some enjoyment out of it. He’s a bit fucked up like that.”

“Pretty sure they all are,” I mutter.

In only minutes, we’re pulling up outside Bri’s flat and she’s smacking a wet kiss on my cheek as she says goodbye.

“Laters, bitch,” she calls seconds before slamming the door behind her.

“Your friend is… interesting,” the driver says as we both watch her bound up the stairs toward her front door.

“Putting it lightly,” I quip.

Thankfully, he falls silent after that comment and doesn’t expect a full-on conversation from me as we head toward home.

We’re just about to turn down the street when my phone starts ringing.

“Hey, how’s it going?” I ask the second the call connects with Sara.

“H-hey. What are you doing tonight?”

“What’s wrong?” I ask, immediately hearing something I don’t like in her voice.

“I… um… something is going on here and Jesse has gone and… I don’t know. I’m probably overreacting but—”

“I’m coming right now. Give me a second.” Lowering my phone, I poke my head between the seats. “Can we make a diversion to the Lovell Estate?” I ask sweetly.

“Sure thing, just update our journey.”

“Okay, awesome. Thank you so much.”

“Hang on, Sar. I’m already in an Uber. I’ve just got to change my destination,” I tell her before opening the app and doing what I need to do. “Talk to me, tell me what’s happening.”

“I don’t know, that’s the problem. I’m scared, Jojo.”

“It’s okay,” I assure her, although I can’t deny that the fear in her voice doesn’t make my stomach knot with worry. Because if something is happening in Lovell, then I have no doubt that Toby and the guys are going to be in the middle of it.

I remember all too well the state of him the last time things kicked off in the estate with the Wolves, and I know from what he’s told me that they’re expecting things to get worse rather than better.

“I’ll be there in a few minutes, and I’m sure Jesse will be fine.”

“Yeah, I know. I’m just overreacting. I know. I just… I can’t lose him, Jojo. I can’t.”