I damn near jump out of my skin when the thing starts vibrating in my hand.

My initial reaction is excitement that it might be him, but that’s quickly replaced by confusion over this whole situation that makes my stomach knot painfully.

All of that washes away, though, when I see who is actually calling.

“Hey,” I say, forcing some lightness into my tone.

“Hey, girl. How was your weekend?” Sara says happily.

“It was… it was amazing,” I say honestly, although it sounds anything but sincere.

Spotting the entrance to a park, I quickly head that way and lower myself to the first bench I find.

“What’s wrong, Jo?”

I let out a heavy sigh. “Can I ask you a question?”

“Yeah, of course. Anything, you know that.”

I suck in a breath, hating that I’m about to even say these words. “Is Jesse a Wolf?”

There’s a beat of silence that instantly makes me regret the question. Nerves erupt in my belly as I wait for her response.

“Yeah, Jo. He is. You didn’t know that?”

“N-no. I’m… stupid, apparently.”

“No, you’re not. It’s not something he really talks about outside the guys, and I just kinda assumed you knew.”

“I mean, I knew he was obviously into something a bit questionable given how you met, but I guess I never put two and two together.”

“Why would you? It’s not like you live here or have anything to do with them.”

“No, but you do, and I feel like a shitty friend for not knowing this.”

“Don’t talk rubbish, Jo. That’s Jesse’s life. It’s not something I really get involved in for… obvious reasons. I don’t like it, but I love him and it’s a part of his life, so what am I meant to do about it?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“What’s this all about, Jo?”

I pause, pushing my hair back from my face as I stare up into the dark sky.

“We’re losing the house. Dad had nothing. We’re… fucked.”

“Oh shit. I can’t offer you much, I’m not exactly swimming in money over here, but I’ll do anything I can. You can crash in our spare room, or—”

“Thank you,” I say, my voice rough with emotion. “We’ll figure it out.”

“Do you wanna come over? Or I can come meet you?” she offers.

I shake my head sadly despite knowing she can’t see me.

“Thank you, but I’m good. I’m just walking home from Bri’s. I’m just gonna have a bath and crawl into bed. Things might look brighter in the morning.”

“Oh, that reminds me. I’ve got a number for you for a bar that’s hiring. I wanted to wait for you to be back to send it over.”

“Is it in Lovell?”