“Here’s fine. I can walk the rest of the way,” she says, completely oblivious to the rage swirling within me like a storm.

Needing to get her out of the car before I show my hand too soon, I swerve into a tight space at the last minute and peel my fingers from the wheel.

“Toby?” Jodie asks, clearly seeing through the mask I’ve pulled on. “Is everything okay?”

Sucking in a deep breath, I try to rein in the fury that’s threatening to spill out of my features.

“Yeah,” I say, forcing a smile and turning to look at her. “I’m just annoyed I’ve got to bail on you. I was hoping to spend the night together.”

“What are you doing tomorrow night?” she asks hopefully.

Leaning over the console, I wrap my hand around the back of her neck and drag her closer.

“I’m spending all night with you,” I tell her, my lips brushing hers, craving the relief she brings me from the constant burning need for revenge that lives inside me. “You get off at seven again?”

“Yeah,” she confirms, her hot breath racing over my lips, making them tingle with the need to claim her.

“I’ll pick you up. Pack a bag for the night. You won’t be going home.”

I don’t need to look to see that her lips have pulled into a smile.

“I’m off Friday.”

“Maybe I’ll have the day off too, then. I’m sure we can find something much more exciting to do.”

“Sounds like a plan,” she agrees.

I finally close the last bit of space between us when my phone starts ringing through the speakers, three seconds before it auto answers for me, but I’m too lost in our kiss to speak.

“Tobes, you there?”

“Uh-huh,” I mumble.

“Where the fuck are you? We’re waiting.”

“Fuck’s sake,” I groan, pulling back from Jodie’s kiss.

“I’m gonna go,” she says quickly. “I’ll see you tomorrow night, yeah?”

“Can’t wait.”

Not that I really expected him to, but Theo doesn’t wait until Jodie is out of the car to address the situation.

“You dirty dog, Tobias. You’ve got a girl none of us know about.”

Jodie’s laugh rings through the air before she swings the door shut, leaving me with Theo’s smug-as-fuck voice.

“She’s no one. I’m on my way back now. I’ll be five.”

I spin the wheel and floor it from the space I’d pulled into, causing some Miss Daisy driver behind me to blast their horn.

“You were a fucking mile away,” I bark, finally able to expel some of the anger that talking about Jonas created within me.

“A no one that you’ll be seeing again tomorrow night? And whose face you were blatantly sucking off when you answered?”

“Don’t you have some more pressing issue to deal with right now?” I snap.

“Nope, just waiting for you so we can go party Lovell style.”