“Bro, you’re my ride or die. I’d raise hell for you and you know it.”

I smile at him. “I know, and I appreciate it. But this is something I need to do myself.”

“So… I don’t get to fuck her friend again then?”

“O-oh, now it all makes sense,” I tease.

“She was hot, man. Best I’ve had all year.”

I make a show of looking at the calendar hanging on the wall beside me that Mum bought me for Christmas and quirk a brow.

“I know it’s early, but I’m telling you, it’s gonna take a lot to top her.”

I shake my head at him.

“Don’t you judge me, Doukas,” he laughs.

“Been doing that for years, mate. Doesn’t make you change though, does it?”

“As if you would want me to,” he scoffs. “Can’t top perfection, my friend. Right, I’m out. Theo and I have a meeting with the old men.”

He drains his coffee, dumps the dirty mug into my sink, and takes off.

“Out again tonight?” he shouts before letting himself out.

“Fuck no. I’ve got plans.”

“Grovelling, you mean. I’m sure you didn’t embarrass yourself that badly.”

“That’s the least of my worries, mate,” I shout back, but the door slams before I get an answer. “Shit.”

I scrub my hand down my face, desperate to recall some memories from the night before, but there’s nothing. Well, nothing after a few too many shots at the bar at the Avenue and Alex disappearing with some blonde.

What the fuck did I say to her?