“You’re not getting it, are you?” I smile, twisting my fingers with hers and pulling her so she’s leaning across the table, her lips only an inch from mine.

Her sweet floral scent washes over me, causing the ache that started the second I saw her walk out of her house tonight to grow.

“You don’t need makeup and a skimpy dress, Jodie. And it’s okay to break. To need a sugar fix.”

“Well, if I knew this was going to turn into an impromptu second date—assuming we can call our first encounter a date—then I’d have at least put on a bra.”

My eyes immediately drop to the sweatshirt she revealed when she pulled her coat off, and they narrow as if it’ll help me see through.

It’s not necessary though, because now she’s pointed it out and knows I’m looking, her nipples are more than obvious, pressing against the fabric.

Slouching down, I widen my thighs, giving my quickly swelling dick some space.

Memories of our time together this time last Friday have been the only thing that have gotten me through this week. Well, that and waiting for her, watching her. Generally obsessing over everything I know about her.

My friends are all studying me through concerned eyes and walking on eggshells around me as if I’m about to blow at any minute—which, to be fair, is probably wise. But being with her… it’s been the first time I’ve been able to forget about the nightmares that are haunting me day and night. When I was with her, I was me again. Okay, so maybe a darker version of me, but still me.

“I can’t really see the issue, Jodie.” I smirk, still staring at her tits.

“No matter how much you might wish for it, my sweatshirt isn’t going to vanish.”

“Damn it,” I mutter. “Thankfully, I vividly remember what every inch of your body looks like,” I confess, sitting forward once more and holding her stare.

Her eyes darken, her cheeks heat, and she bites down on her bottom lip.

“You’re making me hard,” I breathe, my voice deep and raspy.

“T-Toby, you can’t—”

“Here you go, luxury hot chocolates. I’ll be right back with your waffles,” the waitress sings, shattering some of the tension around us. “T-thank you,” Jodie says politely, pulling her hands from mine and dragging her mug closer. But I’m not ready to abandon our previous conversation.

“You don’t believe me, do you?”

“We’re in the middle of a café. You can’t just announce— What are you doing?” she gasps when I hook my foot around the back of her calf and lift it until I can tug her boot off. “Toby,” she hisses quietly, trying to pull her leg out of my grasp.

Just as the waitress walks back over with two plates in her hands, I press her foot against my crotch, proving to her that I wasn’t lying.

“I haven’t stopped thinking about you,” I tell her shamelessly. “Can you tell?”

I sense the waitress look between us, but she must realise we’re too distracted and eventually just backs away from the table without a word, leaving our waffles in front of us.

“We’re in a public place,” she argues, although I’m not actually holding her foot that tightly. If she really wanted to put a stop to this, she could.

A chuckle rips from my lips. “Nice try, Demon. You loved the risk of being watched, of being caught.”

Her lips part, but desire washes through her eyes.

“Deny it, go on.”

“T-Toby—” she stutters.

“Nothing to be ashamed about, baby. Own what you want. It’s fucking sexy.”

Knowing that I’ve more than proved my point, I allow her to pull her foot from me before I’m really at risk of coming in my pants in public. That's low even for the depths I’ve sunk to recently.

“I’ve never done anything like that before,” she confesses, pulling her plate closer while I quickly rearrange myself and do the same.

“You want to do it again though, right?”