The smirk that spreads across Jodie’s face makes my cock jerk deep inside her body.

We might have only been together a handful of times, but she’s yet to have any kind of control over the situation, exactly as I usually prefer it. But the concern in her eyes every time she sees one of my cuts or bruises is clearly softening me, because suddenly I find that I’m more than willing to hand the hard work over to her.

My fingers curl around the lip of the tub in the hope that I can give her this, allow her to think that she’s giving us what we both clearly crave and stop me from hurting in the process.

It’s impossible, although she has yet to know that the real pain I have to live with isn’t only skin deep. Those are the nightmares that wake me most nights in a cold sweat, the memories of seeing Mum trying to hold it together despite the fact that I heard every single scathing word Jonas had just spat at her. It’s the feeling of my world falling from beneath me as the truth finally began to unravel around me, exposing the cunt’s true colours for what they really were.

Jodie’s fingers thread into my hair and she lifts herself off me, her inner muscles rippling and damn near making my eyes roll back in my head.

“Get out of your head, hotshot. You’re showing me a good time, remember?”

“As if I could forget.”

Throwing my previous thoughts aside, my arms dip back under the water before I grab handfuls of her arse and help her move.

“Just can’t help yourself, can you?”

I shrug, loving the easy smile on Jodie’s lips. It’s a million miles away from how she looked when I found her a broken mess in the rain. “You wouldn’t have me any other way, Demon.”

“That may well be true,” she confesses, her lips brushing mine before she bites on my bottom one, making it bleed all over again.

“I thought you wanted to fix me up, not break me further,” I joke.

“Maybe I’ll do both. The bad boy looks stupidly good on you,” she says with a smile.

“Oh baby, if you want bad, I can do bad.”

She squeals as I lift her out of the water, keeping us connected, before laying her back on the deck, leaving her arse hanging over the edge.A violent shudder rips through her body as the cold rainwater bites into her skin, but she doesn’t complain.

My hips thrust forward with enough force to send her shooting backward before my grip on her hips tightens and she cries out into the night.

“Harder. Fuck me harder.”

I follow her orders, ignoring the pain and focusing on the pleasure of her body instead.

“Addicted, baby. Fucking addicted to your pussy.”

“Yes, yes,” she chants as my punishing thrusts continue.

Faster than I would like, my balls start to draw up as the tingles of my imminent release begin.

“Clit, Demon,” I bark. “Get there.”

Her hand slips down her stomach, and my teeth grind when she flicks her clit and she tenses around me.

“Fuck, Demon. I—”

“Toby,” she screams as she squeezes me impossibly tight and I have no choice but to fall right over the edge with her once more.

My entire body locks up before my cock jerks, filling her with everything I have.

“Fuck,” she pants, her skin damp from the hot tub and her exertion, although the cold quickly sets in and goosebumps cover her body.

“Yeah,” I agree, finally slipping out of her, more than spent after two mind-blowing releases.

Scooping her up in my arms, I lower us both back into the water, keeping her cradled against me. She tucks her head into the crook of my neck and lets out a heavy sigh.