He stops me by capturing my chin between his thumb and forefinger, lifting my face so my eyes meet his.

His touch burns and releases a million butterflies in my belly as my body remembers that night and the things he did to me, even if my head is still a little fuzzy about the events.

“You look beautiful, Jodie.”

My cheeks heat. He’s lying. I genuinely look a mess.

“I’m not looking for compliments.”

“Didn’t think you were. I was just telling the truth.” His hand twists until he’s cupping my jaw, his thumb rubbing along my bottom lip. His eyes darken as he stares down at me, and I’m immediately taken back to the hazy memories I have of that night.

“Do you remember?” he asks, his voice raspy.

“Some of it,” I admit. “I was pretty wasted.”

He nods, but I don’t miss the grimace that briefly passes over his face. “Do you regret it?”

I suck in a breath. “No. Not at all. Why? Do you?”

He chuckles, closing the space between us, allowing his body heat to warm mine.

“I had the best night of my life with an incredible girl who shocked me at every turn.” My lips twitch at the honesty in his tone. “The only thing I regret is leaving you in someone else’s bed.”

My heart soars and my entire body heats as the chemistry that I remember all too well from that night crackles between us.

His thumb brushes across my bottom lip again and my mouth waters for him to kiss me, but he never does.

“Get in, Demon. I’m going to turn your night around.”

“What if I’m busy?” I argue weakly.

“You were in the shop buying a single tub of ice cream,” he points out, quirking an eyebrow.

“I guess I looked about as pathetic as I feel, then,” I mutter.

“I already told you that you look beautiful. Now get in. Unless you’re still longing for a night in with your cold friend,” he teases, releasing me and jogging around the front of the car.

His eyes find mine before he gets to the driver’s side and I see the challenge in them.

I drop down into the seat before he even has his door open.