“You don’t mean that. You thought he was God last night.”

“That was last night. This is this morning, and I’ve got things to do.”


She glares at me. “You’re a pain in my arse, Jojo. Go, shoo.” She ushers me out of the bathroom and is hot on my tail when I round the corner and Toby’s eyes lock on me.

“See,” she whispers. “That look right there. Smitten, girl. I’m telling you.”

“Damn, you look good wearing that, Demon,” Toby groans, his eyes eating me up.

“Okay, great. Can we go for food now, seeing as she’s refusing to let me eat her?” Nico sulks.

“Jojo, go get dressed so this dog will leave my flat.”

“You know your pussy will miss me the second I’ve gone,” he counters.

“I’ve got a pretty decent vibrator and a guy on speed dial who can get here pretty bloody fast should I need something more… authentic.”

Nico’s face hardens briefly at the mention of her seeing someone else, but he covers it so quickly I start to wonder if I imagined it.

“Right, well I hope you enjoy some lame sex, because we both know that’s what it’ll be in comparison to what you could get with me.”

She steps up to him, her hands on her hips and her eyes narrowed. She’s like a viper ready to strike, and I know that whatever’s about to fall from her lips is going to sting.

“Actually, Brad is better than you. You look like a two-pump chump in comparison.”

Hurt flickers across his face so quickly that if you blinked you’d have missed it before he throws his head back and laughs.

“You’re such a shitty liar, Siren. But whatever. I got more than what I needed last night. Brad,” he snarls, “is more than welcome to my sloppy seconds.”

The tension crackling between them as they glare at each other is enough to set the entire place ablaze.

“I should probably go and get dressed,” I say, swiping what I assume is my coffee off the counter and quickly downing half.

“Or you could just wear that. I certainly have no complaints.” Toby’s knuckles brush up the back of my thigh before he grabs a handful of my arse.

“I would, when all the women start eye-fucking your bare chest,” I blurt, immediately regretting it as his eyes light up with delight.

“I wouldn’t notice,” he confesses, his eyes running down the length of me. “I’ve got my eyes firmly set on only one woman.”

Bri gags at his words while I swoon. Hard.

“Give me ten minutes and we can get out of your hair,” I say, racing toward her bedroom.

I’m hardly surprised when she follows me.

“See, I told you,” she announces happily, falling onto her bed, which is nothing more than a pile of twisted sheets.

“Why do you want to get rid of Nico so badly? I think you two are—”

“Don’t,” she snaps, throwing a pillow at me.

“Ew, gross. There’s no way that doesn’t have at least one of your bodily fluids on it,” I hiss, throwing it back.

“Oh, like my sofa doesn’t have any of yours,” she points out with a quirked brow.

“It doesn’t, actually. We didn’t screw on your sofa.”