With Stella, it’s not quite so bad, because I know that she does understand, to a point. Jonas Ariti tainted her life, too. Not as badly as mine, but she’s experienced some of his wrath. It’s only helped forge our bond. I just wish we could have connected in a way that didn’t involve pain for both of us.

“So what are you doing tonight, then?” she asks when she finally pulls away.

A smile tugs at my lips as I rub at the back of my neck.

There’s a part of me that really wants to confide in Stella about Jodie. She’d understand. I’m sure she would. But can I risk the chance that she doesn’t?

Stella’s smart. Smarter than all of us motherfuckers she’s found herself in the middle of. I have no doubt she’d come at the whole thing from a different angle and try to talk me out of it.

She won’t be able to, though. And then she’ll just look at me like a monster when I continue with my plan.

“I’m assuming there’s a girl involved,” she says happily, curling herself into the middle seat of my corner sofa, looking like she’s in for the long haul with this conversation.

“Uh… you want a drink?” I offer, feeling like I’m going to need one—or five—for this.

“Sure. Surprise me,” she says with a smile that helps settle the unease within me that has only been growing since I walked away from Jodie earlier.

My phone damn near burns a hole in my pocket. My need to message her and to find that security footage from the coffee shop earlier is almost too much to ignore.

It was just pure luck on my part that she just so happens to work in a Cirillo-owned business. And pure bad luck for her that it’s given me even more access to her life. Something I fully intend on making use of.

Spotting the cranberry juice Stella insisted I buy for her in my fridge when she, Seb, Alex, and Nico turned up one night for an impromptu housewarming slash cheer-Toby-the-fuck-up party, I pull it out.

After making her drink, I grab myself a beer and head back over.

“So…” she prompts the second my arse hits the cushion.

“You’re like a dog with a bone,” I point out, much to her amusement.

“I’ve always wanted a sibling to torture. Humour me with all your dark and dirty secrets, Tobes,” she teases.

“You asked for it,” I mutter, deciding to just dive in headfirst with this conversation. “Ever heard of Hades, Princess?”

Her brow crinkles. “The Greek god? Yeah, obviously.” She takes a sip of her drink. “But I’m not thinking that’s what you’re talking about.”

“Hades is a sex club a few streets away.” I gasp when she sprays my brand-new light grey sofa in fucking vodka cranberry.

“Shit, I’m sorry. Get me some tissue or something.”

“Jesus Christ,” I mutter lightly as I stalk toward the kitchen to find something to attempt to save my sofa from being turned pink.

“Okay. Sex club. I’m totally listening.”

“I thought you might,” I quip. “Surprised Seb hasn’t taken you.”

Her eyes widen at my comment. “Well, he’s going to be now that I know about it.”

“I do love having a sweet and innocent little sister,” I deadpan.

“Fuck off. You wouldn’t have it any other way.”

I can’t help but smile at her. She’s right. She’s exactly what I need.

“Well, Nic and I met a couple of girls last Friday night. We took them there for a bit of fun. Nico is gagging for another chance with his girl.”

“That’s… unlike Nico,” she points out.

“Yeah, there are only a couple who’ve seen his shrivelled-up, overused dick more than once.”