“It was fucking epic. Tobes found us these two girls and we—”

“Nic,” I warn, not wanting him to go into details about Jodie.

His eyes find mine before he rolls them. Dickhead.

“We took them to Hades,” he says proudly.

“Fuck off, did you.”

“For real, bro. That place is off the fucking hook.”

“Well, what the fuck are we waiting for? And, by the way,” Alex adds, glaring at me, “why the fuck wasn’t I invited? You know how badly I’ve wanted to check that place out.”

“It was an impromptu thing,” Nico says, trying to dig me out of a hole that he happily threw me into only moments ago.

“I’ll come, but we’re not going to Hades,” I state.

“Oh, come on. I wanna get all kinky and shit,” Alex whines like a little bitch.

“We’ll go to the Avenue and find a girl to share. How’s that?” Nico offers.

“Share? Fuck you, man. I need a girl’s full attention tonight, thank you very much.”

“Tobes?” Nico offers.

“I’m not sharing shit with you,” I mutter, heading back toward my front door once more.

“You’re still gagging for a repeat of last week, huh?” he mutters behind me. “Whoa, wait… that’s where you’ve been, isn’t it?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I shoot over my shoulder.

“Fuck me, man. You’re the shittest liar I’ve ever met.”

Flipping him off, I reluctantly head out, ready for a night being a wingman for those two dickheads. I guess it beats being home alone and drowning in my own head.

* * *

Rolling over, I groan as I rip my tongue from the roof of my mouth and my stomach twists.

But that’s nothing compared to the shock that rocks through me when I bump against another body.

What the—

I sit bolt upright, my room spinning around me as I stare down at the person I’m sharing a bed with.

“What the actual fuck, bro?” I bark, shoving Nico so hard that his naked arse rolls out of my bed and he wakes as his solid weight collides with the floor.

“Dude,” he groans. “Was that fucking necessary?”

“Yes,” I hiss, swinging my legs over the side of the bed as his head appears.

“You were more fun when you were drunk.”

I scrub my hands down my face as I try to recall the events from the night before.

“I don’t remember.”

“Hardly surprising. You were fucking wasted.”