“That might be true. And I’m more than aware that I might regret this decision. But right now, there isn’t really another to make.”

The lift smoothly climbs through the building, my anticipation growing with each floor we hit.

“I’m glad you think so. And you’re right. At some point, you’ll probably end up regretting it.”

“You think highly of yourself,” she says, her head tilting to the side as she studies me.

“Just being realistic.”

“Kiss me,” she breathes, stretching up once more and trying to take control.

All I do is smile at her as the lift dings, announcing our arrival.

“Let’s go. Maybe if we’re lucky, you’ll actually make it to my bedroom.”

Before she has a chance to move, I press my shoulder into her stomach and lift her clean off her feet.

“Toby,” she squeals as I all but run out of the enclosed space, praying that the hallway outside is empty and that we’re going to make it to the other side of my front door without being interrupted.

And by some fucking miracle, we do.

“You can put me down now, you know,” Jodie shouts, her legs kicking and her tiny fists hammering on my arse. “Tobias.”

“Fuck, I love it when you say my name.”

“Put me down and I’ll say it again,” she promises. “Come on, I want to see where you live.”

“Later. There are more pressing things to deal with first.”

I take off through my flat until I burst into my bedroom. I place the tiramisu down on the bedside table for later before throwing her into the middle of my bed.

My navy sheets surround her as she bounces, and I watch her with a smile playing on my lips as she laughs.

“You’re so fucking beautiful, Jodie,” I growl, making quick work of toeing off my shoes and ripping my shirt from my body.

“Not looking so bad yourself, Tobias,” she breathes, her teeth attacking her bottom lip as she watches me strip down to my boxers, which admittedly don’t hide a whole lot right now.

“I’ve got nothing on you. Just a wolf wrapped in sheep’s clothing.”

“Oh, I don’t know. You can be all kinds of sweet when you want to.”

“Not tonight, I’m not. I’m feeling all kinds of reckless.” And vengeful.

She squeaks as I jump on her, wrapping my hand around the back of her neck and finally claiming her lips once more.

Her tongue immediately joins in as we embark on a bruising kiss, both of us fighting for dominance, although both knowing exactly who is in charge here.

Releasing her neck, I wrap my fingers around her wrists, lifting them both above her head.

I loom over her, loving the need that’s reflected back at me and the way her skin is flushed with desire.

“By the time I let you off this bed, you’re not going to remember how to walk let alone your own name, Demon.”

“Toby,” she moans, trying to rub her thighs together where they’re pinned beneath me.

“So impatient. Here’s how it’s going to go, my filthy little toy.” Dipping low, I kiss down her throat, making her whimper and writhe beneath me. “I’m going to strip you naked. Kiss you, bite you, mark you until you can’t take any more. Then,” I say, kissing over her collarbone and onto her chest, “I’m going to eat you until I’m confident that I’m going to be tasting you for a week. And then when you begging, and only when you’re begging, I’ll finally give you what you really want and fuck you so hard I’ll ruin you for any other man,” I promise, needing to convince myself that she’ll at least remember something good about me after tonight.

“Yes, yes. Toby, please,” she begs.