It could be.

He’s got enough minions who idolise the ground he walks on that he’d be more than able to organise this to punish me, to prove who’s really running this show.

My heart aches with the possibility, refusing to believe that he could have something to do with this.

But I was in his car. It would have been easy to…


I slam that line of thought down. He would never have run his car off the road like that to have me abducted. He’d have just dragged me here and probably taken great delight in tying me up and staring me dead in the eyes as he did it. Twisted fuck.

I blow out a breath. Even with ruling him out—loosely—I’ve still got a list of possible culprits.

“What do you want?” I ask, my voice losing its heat from earlier. I’m not sure snapping at him will get me anywhere, so I’m not going to waste the energy.

His response is a laugh that I’m sure the devil himself would be proud of.

“Right now, Princess? Nothing.I sincerely hope you enjoy your stay.”

Heavy footsteps fill the room before a door slams closed, the loud bang reverberating through me.

“ARGH,” I scream, my voice echoing off the walls around me as I attempt to vent my frustrations.

I scream until I’ve got nothing left. My body slumps down on the cold, solid floor.

Silent tears slip from my eyes, soaking the blindfold that’s wrapped around my face and cutting off my sight before they finally slide down my cheeks, dripping onto the floor beneath me as my body begins to tremble with the cold.

My last thought before I slip into an uncomfortable and fitful sleep is of Dad.

Is he still waiting for me to come home like I promised?

If I actually manage to get out of this alive, he’s going to fucking kill me himself.

* * *

As I come to again, the familiar feeling that I’m being watched races down my spine.

Silently, I groan, not wanting to open my eyes only to find that they’re still covered and that my wrists are still bound.


My eyes fly open the second the sound hits my ears. A moment later, my arms move to allow me to pull them from behind my back.

They hurt like fuck after being tethered for so long, and I wince as I wrap them around the front of my body.

Whoever just cut me free shuffles around the front of me and fingers brush my ear, making me jolt away from their touch.

“I can leave it on if you wish,” he mutters, his voice so deep it sends a violent bolt of fear shooting through me.

Lifting my own hand, I drag the fabric from my face and immediately search him out in the dark room.

When my eyes land on the balaclava he’s wearing, I’m barely able to hold in my frustrated laugh.

“Are you actually serious?” I hiss. “You’re so scared of me that you feel the need to hide your face?”

“I’m not scared of you, Princess,” he snaps, clearly unimpressed with my comment.

“That could be a mistake. But it also means that you’re either scared of my father or my husband. Or both, maybe.”