“I have my moments. Just… don’t tell anyone. I’m meant to be a ruthless soldier and heir to this Family, remember? I need to keep my rep as a cutthroat arsehole.”

“It can be our little secret,” I whisper, pulling my hand from his grip and wrapping it around the back of his neck, dragging him down so our lips finally meet.

* * *

I’m so lost to Theo’s kisses and the way he grinds against me, the friction from our jeans doing insane things between my legs as he rolls his hips that I don’t hear the front door slam. Nor do I acknowledge the deep, rumbling laughter that floats down to us. And neither does Theo, as he continues to drown in me as much as I am him.

But I sure as fuck hear the loud throat clearing right behind my head a beat before Theo jumps off me as if he’s just been shot.

Tipping my head back, I look at Dad and Cruz through hazy, lust-filled eyes.

“Oh hey, we were waiting for you,” I say breathlessly as heat begins to spread across my cheeks and down my neck from being caught. I’m not going to apologise for it though. Hell knows I’ve caught Dad and Piper making out enough times.

“So we see. Get bored, did you?”

“Dawson, Cruz,” Theo grunts in greeting, his voice deep and the bulge in his jeans more than obvious.

“Glad to see you’re keeping it in your pants this time, Cirillo,” Cruz barks in amusement.

Theo’s eyes find mine and something flickers through them that I can’t decipher as I drag myself up.

Both Dad and Cruz drop into the two chairs opposite and continue staring at us. I’m not entirely sure what they’re expecting, but they don’t look entirely shocked when I blurt, “We’ve seen the news.”

“Oh yeah?” Cruz asks, sitting back and spreading his thighs wide as if he’s settling in for the long haul. “Motherfucker deserved it.”

“Couldn’t agree more,” Theo agrees, sitting forward and resting his elbows on his knees. “But Ram, really?” The sarcasm in his tone is heavy and more than lets Dad and Cruz know what he’s angling toward.

“His DNA was on the gun the cops found. What more do you want us to say?” Dad says, annoyingly looking as fucking cool as a cucumber.

I glare at him, one brow quirked in irritation.

“How about the truth?” I spit, refusing to have them both lie to my face.

Dad’s chin drops, but it’s all fake. An act. I know him, I know both of them, better than they think I do.

“Emmie, I—”

“No,” I hiss, scooting forward to sit on the edge of the sofa while I continue glaring at him. “Don’t bullshit me. This was you, both of you. Admit it.”

“Can’t do that, kiddo,” Cruz pipes up.

I blow out a frustrated breath.

“Stop treating me like a child. I can handle this. Please,” I beg.

Dad and Cruz share a look, and it says a million words.

“Okay, so I’ll take that as you confirming our suspicions then,” I mutter, rolling my eyes hard.

“Kiddo, we can’t—”

“I get it, okay? I get it. But just tell me this…” I push to stand so they’re both forced to look up at me. “Where is Pops?”

“On the run from the police. And the longer he runs, the worse it’s going to get for him.”

“You have no idea where he is?”

Dad’s lips part but Cruz takes over, probably predicting that Dad’s considering lying to me again.