When we finally succumbed to our exhaustion last night, I pulled Emmie’s naked body right up against mine, held her tight for fear she might slip out the second I released her, and fell asleep with a more than satisfied and happy smile on my face.

This girl. This fucking girl.

She’s everything I never wanted, yet everything I never knew I needed.

The image of her on all fours on the bed with my name printed across her arse is something I’m pretty sure I’ll never forget.

For the first time since I last had her in my bed, I fell asleep almost instantly and stayed that way until morning. I probably would have stayed even longer if I wasn’t suddenly woken by a more than a forceful slap on my chest before Emmie tried jumping out of bed.

“Not yet,” I mutter sleepily. “I’m not ready to let you go.”

“That’s cute,” she says, although the hard edge to her tone makes me finally crack an eye open. “But we’ve got an issue… maybe… I don’t know.”

Her words have me more than alert in the blink of an eye, and I push up on one elbow and stare at her.

I’m taken aback for a second by just how fucking beautiful she looks.

Her hair is a mess, and the remains of last night’s makeup still linger on her face along with a more than a suitable amount of stubble rash from my jaw, and her lips are swollen, sending my mind straight into the gutter as I think back to her having them wrapped around my cock at some point last night.

Her brow lifts as she realises that I’m ignoring her issue in favour of checking her out.

“What?” I argue. “My wife is fucking banging, first thing in the morning.”

“Firstly, it’s hardly first thing, it’s almost lunchtime.” My brows shoot up at learning that. It’s not often I sleep later than seven. My body is usually more than ready to hit the gym and start the day. Apparently, fucking my wife until dawn fucks with not only the tight hold I have on my control but my schedule too. “And secondly, look.”

She shoves her phone into my hand and I have to blink a couple of times to make my eyes focus.

Lovell Estate Gangster Found Dead

“Holy shit.”

Worry lines have formed on Emmie’s brow when I look back up at her.

“What’s wrong? Luis was a cunt. Can’t say he didn’t deserve it.” It’s true. The prick has been trying to encroach on our territory with his less than stellar products for years, trying to undercut us, break the rules and generally make a fucking pain in the arse of himself. His daddy died in more than suspicious circumstances a few years ago, and Luis’s superiority complex took over. He runs things in that estate like a fucking dictatorship. It really is no wonder it’s such a hellhole.

Pushing her hair back from her face, Emmie holds my eyes, allowing me to see the torment she’s in right now.

“I… Yeah, you’re right. He’s a prick. But… I dunno, I’ve just got a bad feeling about this.”

I sit up fully, scooting back to rest against the headboard, and I pull Emmie right along with me, letting her pull the covers over us.

“You think this is linked to your mum?”

“I dunno. I might be overthinking it. I’m sure there are a million and one people who’d want him dead. I’m probably just being paranoid after he took me.”

Holding her tighter, I drop a kiss to her temple as images from that day continue to haunt me.

“I’m sorry I let you get—”

“No, Theo,” she says, pressing her palm to my chest and climbing onto my lap.

The sheets fall from her body as she straddles me and takes my face in her hands.

“That wasn’t your fault. They ran us off the road. There wasn’t much you could do.”

“I should have taken charge of the situation, and I shouldn’t have fucking passed out so they could take you.”