We both pause for a split second, our eyes locking before I reach up on my toes and slam my lips to his.

The moment I crush the length of my body against his, the thickness of his cock presses against my stomach, making my mouth water and my core ache.

What happened in that storage cupboard and then the short time in the taxi was not enough. Nowhere fucking near. If I were a rational, normal person, then I probably would have put a stop to that situation before it started. But seeing as I claim to be neither, I pushed all the reasons for making it stop aside and jumped headfirst into the pleasure this guy can give me.

After all, it’s a hell of a lot better than the pain.

“Shit, Emmie,” Theo grunts into our kiss when my fingers brush the skin of his chest as I begin unpopping his buttons, my desperation to feel his skin against mine becoming too much to bear.

He sucks in a sharp breath when my knuckles brush his lower belly as I reach for his waistband.

“Fuck. You want my cock, babe?” he groans as I make enough space between us so I can pop the button and pull down the zip.

I do it all blindly, my eyes sucked into the hungry emerald stare before me.

I see everything. All the emotion and need he tried to hide at the beginning of all this. I feel it in every one of his touches now, and I can’t help but wonder if I tried too hard to stop it.

No, never. He deserved it all and then some.

The moment his trousers are undone, I push my hand inside, finding his hard, burning hot skin and wrapping my fingers around it.

“Fucking need you, Hellcat,” he moans when I squeeze him. “Jesus. Fuck.”

His eyes shoot to the control panel, I assume to take note of how close we are to our floor, but I’m too lost in him to bother looking.

“Yes,” he hisses, clearly happy about what he discovers, although I’m not, because not two seconds later does he wrap his hand around my wrist, pulling my hand from his dick.

“Hey, I want that,” I whine.

He pushes from the wall, giving me little choice but to back up as his heated eyes bore down into me.

His intensity is almost overwhelming. But knowing that one stroke of my hand or lick of my tongue will be his undoing means I hold steady, daring him—begging him—to do his worst.

“You’re mine. Tell me you’re mine,” he demands, his voice low and terrifying.

My mouth goes dry as my lips part to respond.

I might have already said it tonight, but that was while he was touching me, playing me like a musician would his instrument. Right now, he’s asking when I’ve got almost a level head. If you ignore the alcohol and desire flowing through my veins.

Holding his eyes steady, I wet my lips and give him the truth. One I feel right down to my soul.

“I’m yours, Theo. Every inch of me.”

The lift dings in response, and my heart lurches into my chest, the sound startling me a beat before the doors open.

Theo moves faster than I anticipate, bending over until his shoulder presses against my stomach.

A scream of fright rips past my lips as my feet leave the ground, and in a heartbeat, we’re moving.

“Theo,” I squeal. “Put me down.”

“No fucking chance, Hellcat. You’re mine. And I’m making sure you don’t do anything stupid. Like run.”

A smile pulls at my lips at the thought.

Brushing my hands down his lower back, I take the roundness of his arse in them and squeeze as hard as I can.