“We’ll be there as fast as we can,” I say, bailing on confessing that I almost shot her until he can see with his own eyes that she’s okay.

I cut the call off before he can reply, something that I’m sure I’ll pay for later. But fuck it. Emmie is my first concern right now.

I’m sure I could take her old man should it come to that.

He’s old, after all.

The traffic is almost non-existent at this time of night and I fly through the city, heading toward the only woman I trust to ensure that Emmie is as good as new in no time.

Given the choice, I think Gianna would have moved to the other end of the country to get away from Stefanos when their marriage went south, but she couldn’t bail on Alex and Daemon. She might not have agreed with their intentions of joining the Family like their father and grandfather before them, but she understood it and ensured she was close enough for when they needed a breather from this life.

The street lights are fewer and fewer as I head into the Essex countryside and cars become few and far between as we get closer.

My fingers grip the wheel painfully as the anger that surged through me when I found her mid-orgasm with another guy continues to linger.

Hearing her call my name helped a little. Add the knowledge that she was tripping on acid and I’m halfway to understanding, but the image of his hands on her is something that’s not going to leave me anytime soon.

She shuffles beside me and I look over, hoping that she’s going to come to before we get to Gianna’s.

“Hellcat?” I ask.

I’m rewarded with another groan.

“You awake, babe?”

She stills, and I’m forced to look at where we’re going once more.

“It’s just me, Em. You’re safe.”

She scoffs, telling me that she’s awake enough to be aware of the situation.

“You’re the most dangerous of them all, Theodore.”

Looking back at her, I find that her eyes are still closed.

“Why am I with you?”

An unamused chuckle falls from my lips. “I told you, Hellcat. I’ll always find you.”

“Great,” she mutters, her head falling to the side as if it’s too heavy to even consider holding her up.“Where are we going?” she asks, but lights coming up behind us catch my eye in the mirror.

“U-uh…” I hesitate, keeping my eyes on the quickly approaching vehicle.

I’ve paid zero attention to other cars since we left the city. I have no idea if he’s been tailing me for a while or if it’s just some dickhead boy racer making the most of the nearly deserted country roads.

I tell myself it’s the latter, but that doesn’t stop my heart from racing and my palms sweating a little.

Something’s wrong.

I feel it.

“Theo,” Emmie snaps. “Where are we going?”

“W-we’re… uh…”

She must open her eyes because a quiet shriek passes her lips.

“Why am I covered in blood, Theo?” A panic that I’m not used to hearing from her fills her voice.