“Hey, Pops. How’s it going?” I ask, my voice light and airy, at complete odds with the dark need for revenge that’s eating me alive inside.

“E-Emmie?” he stutters and tries to shift in the bed.

“Move and I’ll pull the trigger.” He stops instantly, and the knowledge of just how powerful I am right now slams into me like a truck. “W-what are you… How did you…”

“Tsk. And here I was thinking you knew the Cirillos better than this, Pops. Or is that why you planted me in the middle of them? Because you really are fucking clueless?”

“N-no, I—“

“Not interested,” I spit. “There’s only one thing you need to know about the Cirillo Family before we end this. And that… is that they are better than you in every single fucking way. So thank you, Granddad,” I sneer, “for showing me what family should really be about, for opening my eyes to who I really am, and for setting me free. Something I’m sure a simple conversation could have achieved—but points for creativity, old man. Now,” I say, spotting something moving outside the dirty window, “I’ve got a few friends who’d really like to get to know you better, and right now, it seems you’re down in the friend department. You’ll be pleased to know they’ve promised to treat you as the fucking scum of the earth that you really are.”

Movement sounds out from behind me as Theo breathes, “Hellcat.”

“I wish you a really pleasant stay in hell, Ram. I’m sure your bloodthirsty enemies will really enjoy themselves.”

I take a step back and lower the gun a beat before bodies all dressed head to toe in black flood the room.

“Charles Ramsey, we’re arresting you for the murder of Luis Wolfe.You do not have to say anything. But, it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence.”

A strong arm wraps around my waist and I’m hauled backward into a familiar solid body as the officers drag my grandfather from bed before throwing him back down on his front and slapping cuffs on him.

“I’m so fucking hard for you right now,” Theo confesses, causing a manic laugh to erupt from my throat as the officers continue their job right in front of us.

“You’re fucked up, Cirillo.”

“Takes one to know one, Hellcat.”

We don’t move until they’ve frog-marched Ram out of the room, leaving one officer behind.

“Cirillo.” He nods at Theo, who discreetly takes the gun from my fingers and tucks it away before holding his hand out to shake with the officer.

“Always a pleasure, Burton,” Theo grunts.

The guy nods before turning his back on us and following his unit out.

“Holy shit,” I breathe the second we’re alone.

Theo finally releases me and I stumble forward, barely able to believe what I just did, what I just witnessed.

“How are you feeling?” Theo asks tentatively.

“On top of the fucking world. I need a drink. Can we get a drink?”

The most incredible smile pulls at Theo’s lips.

“You’re fucking unbelievable,” he says, shaking his head. “And you’re all mine.”

Pulling his phone out, he taps at the screen for a beat before sweeping me up in his arms.

“You were made for me, Emmie Cirillo. And I’m never fucking letting you go again.”

“Good. Because I’m not going anywhere.”

The desire to let him kiss me forever lingers, but the stench of the room is stronger and after only a few seconds, Theo takes my hand and leads me out of the building.

Seb and Stella have moved and are now in the front, I assume ready for a quick getaway if it was needed.

“Well you two look happy,” Seb announces.

“Emmie has officially joined the Family. I’m pretty sure she just made the Reapers Prez piss his fucking pants. It was fucking beautiful,” Theo states proudly as warmth spreads through my chest. “Now, let’s go. My woman wants a drink to celebrate, so that’s what we’re going to give her. I’ve already called the guys.”

“It’s five am,” I blurt.

“It won’t be the first time we started the party this early, babe, and I’m pretty sure it won’t be the last.”