Ashley had known the boat would slice through the choppy waves and reach incredible speed. She had wanted to go on a fast-and-hard ride, determined to forget Inez Key and her financial problems for a few hours.

She remembered Sebastian’s warm smile as he had teased her, suggesting she was trying to tip him out of the boat. Perhaps she had been trying to test his courage. She had to find out if his restraint had just been a guise. Ashley had wanted to know how long it would take before he grabbed the wheel.

He never did. Sebastian had been lazily sprawled on the chair next to her, arms outstretched, his dark glasses perched on his bold nose. Sexual heat had bubbled underneath their banter, but she had enjoyed his companionship.

Sebastian had been relaxed and unconcerned while she made hairpin turns and the boat flew over the waves, but he had been alert. He had noticed every move she made, offering the occasional direction only when she hesitated.

Ashley had to wonder if any of that rapport had been real or part of the seduction. Had he done that to lower her guard or had he enjoyed those moments, too? Looking around this nightclub, she sensed the simple joy of a sunny afternoon would have been lost on him.

She glanced up, her heart lurching to a stop as she watched gorgeous couples dance with unbridled enthusiasm on the mezzanine. Their movements were bold and suggestive. Her skin flushed and she shifted uncomfortably. She was already painfully aware of Sebastian and primed for his touch. She didn’t need anything else to encourage her imagination.

Her grip tightened on her small clutch purse and she fought the urge to retreat. The club was mysterious and spellbinding. Dangerous. Much like it’s owner. If she lowered her guard, the music would pull her in. The atmosphere would seduce her into releasing her inhibitions. That could ruin her. Take her to a point of no return.

Ashley studied the DJ booth and the small VIP areas that circled the dance floor. She recognized a few movie stars and professional athletes lounging on the big white couches with other celebrities and models. All of the party girls were glamorous creatures with wild hair and generous curves.

“And how is your mother doing?”

Ashley turned sharply as she caught the question. A trio of beautiful women were standing in front of Sebastian. She didn’t know which one asked the question. They all looked similar with their smooth hair, flawless makeup and colorful dresses that wrapped around them like skimpy bath towels.

“She’s recuperating well,” Sebastian replied before he smoothly changed the subject. Within moments he had the group of women giggling and fawning all over him.

Ashley wondered if she was the only one who noticed the way his features softened at the mention of his mother. Or the flash of worry in his eyes before he banked it. She wished she hadn’t seen it. She didn’t want to know anything about him. The less she knew about his private life, the better.

What they shared was a business agreement and she needed to keep an emotional distance. She was having a short-term sexual relationship with Sebastian and she wasn’t required to love, respect or even like the man.

So what if he had been the most fascinating and exciting man when they first met? Sebastian had been playing a role. Or had he? She thought she had seen glimpses of the real Sebastian during the quieter moments on Inez Key. It was as if the island life had pulled away the harsh mask and revealed his romantic nature.

That was not his true character, she reminded herself fiercely as disappointment rested heavily in her chest. She wasn’t going to be like her mother, who clung to her benefactor’s rare thoughtful gestures and created a fairy-tale love story out of it. There was nothing Sebastian could do to make her think he was anything other than a cold-hearted and ruthless womanizer.


Ashley lifted her head when she heard a booming male voice over the music. She saw a large, muscular man approach Sebastian with his arms outstretched. The stranger was about the same age as Sebastian but was built like a giant. The curvy blonde woman at his side looked tiny in comparison.

“Omar,” Sebastian greeted. Ashley was startled by Sebastian’s wide smile and the way his face lit up before he embraced his friend.

She was more surprised that Sebastian had friends. Sebastian could be charming and a scintillating conversationalist, but for some reason, she assumed he was a loner. An outsider.