There had been a time when Sebastian had been consumed by the injustice. It ate away at him, making him feel weak and empty. He had been an angry boy. He had been a kid who’d lost his innocence too soon and his childhood the moment he had been thrown into a cruel world. He wanted to get what was stolen from him and pushed himself every day to the brink of exhaustion to become rich and powerful.

He had suffered setbacks and bad luck, but by the time he had made his first million, Sebastian wasn’t thinking about Donald Jones. His goal had been to protect his family from losing everything. They would never be at the mercy of the Donald Joneses of the world.

But then his mother had heart surgery, and everything changed. He realized he was still the angry little boy who couldn’t allow the injustice to go untouched.

“When we thought my mother was dying, she had only one request.” Sebastian remembered his mother lying on the hospital bed, pale and fragile. She had struggled to speak and he knew this favor meant everything to her, even after all these years. “How could I deny her?”

“I know your mother,” Omar said with a frown. “She didn’t ask for revenge.”

“What I’m doing is righting some wrongs,” Sebastian argued. “Finding justice.”

“Then I have to ask you this.” Omar rested his arms on the table and leaned forward. “What threats did you make to Ashley? What did you take from her? And what will she have left when all this is done?”

“You don’t have to worry about Ashley. Spoiled heiresses always land on their feet.” Sebastian winced. He shouldn’t have called her that. Ashley had once lived in a world of excess and privilege, but if she were really a pampered princess, she wouldn’t have survived on her own for this long.

“She’s no spoiled heiress,” Omar insisted. “Believe me, I’m married to one. Ashley is innocent. She’s going to be collateral damage. Just like you were.”

Sebastian glared at his friend. Ashley wasn’t getting the same treatment that he had received. She lived in luxury and under his protection. “Omar, you don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I hope not,” Omar’s eyes were dull with disappointment. “Because I never thought I’d see the day when you became just like Donald Jones.”

“I am nothing like that man,” he hissed.

“Time will tell,” Omar murmured. “Sooner than you think.”

* * *

It was hours later when Ashley returned to the penthouse apartment with Sebastian. Despite Crystal’s inquisitive nature and the painful memories that were dredged up with her pointed questions, Ashley had been determined to end the night on a lighthearted note. She didn’t want anyone to know how much her family’s action still hurt after all these years.

Sebastian excused himself and went to his office to return a few phone calls. She knew he would be there for a while and she was grateful to have a moment alone. Kicking off her heels, Ashley headed to the swimming pool.

She was too tired to swim. The cold water wasn’t going to take away the chill that had seeped into her bones. Ashley paced around the pool as she tried to purge her memories.

“Ashley?” Sebastian’s voice cut through her troubled thoughts. “What are you doing here?”

She shrugged. “Just thinking. Don’t you have some calls to return?”

“That was hours ago,” he said as he strolled toward her.

“Oh.” She stopped and stared at the Miami skyline. She had no idea that much time and passed.

“What did Crystal say when you two were alone? Did she upset you?”

Ashley shook her head. “Crystal kept asking the same questions everyone else does. It’s nothing I can’t handle.”

“Her questions stirred up something?”

“I still can’t forgive what my parents did to each other,” she muttered. “Most of all, I can’t forgive myself.”

Sebastian frowned. “Why do you need forgiveness?”

Ashley crossed her arms tightly against her. She wanted to remain quiet, but the confession pressed upon her chest. “When I was eighteen I’d had enough of my father’s infidelities. I couldn’t stand the fact that my mother was unable to see what was going on right under her nose.”