Sebastian frowned. That had been true, but not with Ashley. Now he was trying to find ways to keep her in his bed.

“Wait a second.” Ashley lifted her head and stared at him with something close to horror. “Does this mean I’m meeting your mother? No. No way.”

“I don’t have much of a choice. Anyway, she’s expecting you.”

Ashley closed her eyes and slowly shook her head. “Do you usually introduce your mistress to your mother?” she asked huskily.

“I’ve never had a mistress,” he admitted.

Ashley opened her eyes and stared at him.

Sebastian scowled. He hadn’t planned to tell her that, but for some reason it was suddenly important for her to understand that he wasn’t that kind of man. Yet now he felt exposed under her gaze. As if he’d revealed too much of himself. “Don’t think that makes you special.”

Ashley glared at him. “Why should I? You had pushed me in a corner so efficiently. It was only natural to assume you blackmailed women in your bed on a regular basis.”

He stepped closer. “You wanted to be in my bed,” he declared. “I only had to give you an extra incentive.”

She gave a haughty tilt to her chin. “Think that if it makes you feel better.”

He curled a finger under her chin and brushed his thumb against her wide pink mouth. “You will need to curb your tongue before you meet my family,” he warned her softly.

She tried to nip his thumb with her teeth, but he had anticipated that response. He removed his hand before she could catch him.

“I can’t make any promises,” she said and paused. “Did you say I’m meeting your family? I thought it was just your mother.”

“My sisters will be there. That means their husbands, fiancés and children will also be around.”

“Why? Is there a special occasion?”

“No, my family has these get-togethers all the time.” And he worked hard to be there for his family. He didn’t just write a check for his relatives—he was present for every important moment of their lives.

“Is there anything I should know about your family?” she asked.

“Do not introduce yourself as my mistress,” he ordered.

She clucked her tongue. “Do you think I wear that label as a badge of honor?”

“You made it clear in Jamaica that you are my woman.” He reached for her hand and laced his fingers with hers. “I didn’t have to make a claim. You wore that status with pride.”

“That was before you introduced me as your mistress,” she said as the anger tightened her soft features. “I thought we actually made a good team until you warned off Salazar. Then you had to mark your territory. So how am I supposed to define this relationship?”

He was not going to introduce Ashley as his lover or girlfriend. That gave her privileges she didn’t deserve. The reason he made Ashley his mistress was to knock down the status she never worked hard to earn. “You won’t need to.”

“Are you serious?” She tugged at his hand but he didn’t let go. “Didn’t you tell me you had sisters?”

“Yes, four of them.”

“And how often have you brought a woman home to meet the family?” she asked brightly.

He exhaled sharply. “I haven’t.”

“You are in for an inquisition.” Ashley smiled broadly as she imagined the treatment he would receive.

Or she was dreaming up ways to make his life miserable. He could send Ashley back to his penthouse apartment while he went to visit his family, but he didn’t like that idea. He wanted Ashley there with him, but it was a risk. “Cause any trouble and you will regret it.”

She flattened her hand against her chest. “Me? I won’t have to say a word. I’ll just cling to your arm and bat my lashes like a good little mistress.”

“Ashley,” he warned.

“At least tell me why we need to visit your family. Isn’t your mother recuperating?”

He gave her an assessing glance. “How do you know about that?”

“What? Was it a secret? You said something about it at the opening of your club. I’ve often heard you talk to your mother on the phone.”