His claim seemed to wake her up. “Of course you do,” she said in a withering tone.

“I’m serious.” He watched her stalk past him. “I don’t take any unnecessary risks.”

“I’m sure you believe that,” she said over her shoulder.

“But you don’t.” He had been careful about protection every time. It hadn’t been easy. He almost forgot on more than one occasion, so caught up in the moment that nothing else seemed to matter. It had never been like that with any other woman.

But why didn’t she take his word for it? Why was she that determined to see the worst in him? “It doesn’t matter what you believe,” he decided. “It was my responsibility and I failed you.”

Ashley turned around. “Sebastian, I don’t need you to take care of me. I can take care of myself. I’ve been doing that since I can remember.”

“There’s no chance of you being on the Pill?” he asked hopefully.

Ashley glared at him. “What do you think? You were my first.” Her voice rose with every word. “I never had a need until I met you and I wasn’t planning a repeat performance.”

“We’ve been together for weeks and you still haven’t considered protecting yourself from pregnancy. Why is that? You know, there are a lot of women who live well because they had a rich man’s baby.” He didn’t think Ashley was one of those women, but he also knew his judgment was impaired when she was around.

Ashley rubbed her hands over her face and blew out an exasperated puff of air. “I have no interest in getting pregnant, no interest in having your baby, and I no longer have any interest in this conversation.”

He ignored the sting from her words. “You have to admit that this is a concern.” He needed to be more careful next time. He needed her to trust him so that there would be a next time.

She looked away and stared at the water. As if seeing the ocean would calm her and give her a sense of peace. “Is this how you respond whenever you have a pregnancy scare?” she asked.

He clenched his teeth. “I’ve never had one because I always use protection.”

She pressed her lips together. “I find it hard to believe that a man with your—” she paused “—legendary sex life has not had any paternity suits, payoffs or baby drama.”

“Believe it,” he said in a growl.

“Every time I think I’m wrong about you, I am slapped with the truth. You remind me a lot of my father. He was something of a playboy.” Her lip curled in a sneer when she said the word. “He was supposed to be a tennis legend, but he’s known more for his sexual escapades and paternity suits.”

“I am not a playboy,” he insisted. He hated the word. It diminished everything that he had achieved. “And I’m nothing like your father.”

“Right. Right.” She raised her hand to stop him. “Because you’re smarter. You use protection. Sometimes.”

“Ashley, I give you my word.” He grabbed her arm and held her still, but she looked the other way. “If you become pregnant, I will take care of you and the baby.”

She whipped her head around and stared at him. “You would? Why?”

He was offended by her surprise. “You and the child would be my responsibility.”

She tilted her head as she studied him with open suspicion. “What do you mean by taking care?”

“I would take care of you financially and I would be involved in the child’s life.” He would want a lot more, but he would wait to discuss it if there was a child. There was no reason to tell Ashley every sacrifice he would make for his family.

“Really?” She pulled away from his grasp. “You wouldn’t ask for a termination or take legal action against me and swear I’m lying about the paternity?”

“What kind of man do you think I am? No, don’t answer that.” He was already feeling volatile and he knew he wasn’t going to like what Ashley had to say.

“It’s what my father did,” she said with disgust. “It’s what most men do.”

“You don’t know much about men. Or me.” Sebastian took a step forward until they were almost touching. He noticed Ashley didn’t back down. Most people would. “I take care of my family. That would include you and the baby.”