He was worried about that. The only way he got Ashley back in his bed was through blackmail. He wasn’t proud of it. She wanted him but not enough to make the first move or accept his original offer.

“She’s mine,” Sebastian warned in a low voice. Most people would scatter from the threat in his tone, but Oscar Salazar’s smile only widened.

“Not for long.” Salazar returned his gaze on Ashley. “I could steal her away if I wanted to.”

“No, you couldn’t.” Sebastian’s heart pounded against his ribs as the need to defend his territory coursed through his veins. “You have nothing she wants. No extra incentive.”

“Incentive?” Salazar’s eyes glowed as he pondered the new information. “She has a price?”

“One you couldn’t afford,” Sebastian snapped.

“I’m sure I could get a bargain,” he murmured.

“You’ve been warned, Salazar.” He didn’t like this side of him, but he couldn’t stop it. He was ready to unleash all of his power and weapons on Salazar. If he had fangs, he would have bared them. “Go anywhere near her and you’re dead.”

“Understood.” Salazar took a sip of his champagne and casually strolled away. Sebastian wanted to follow, but one of his Jamaican business partners chose that moment to approach.

Sebastian ruthlessly pushed aside any thought of Salazar. His blood roared in his ears and his hands shook with the need to land his fist into Salazar’s jaw. He had nothing to worry about. He didn’t trust the man, but he knew Ashley wouldn’t be interested in Salazar’s questionable charms.

Yet he kept an eye on Ashley during the cocktail party. Sebastian was always aware of where she stood. Even when he was in a deep conversation with his executive assistant, Sebastian heard Ashley’s earthy laugh from across the room.

He wasn’t sure what made him look up a few minutes later and actively seek her out in the party. His mother would have called it a premonition. Sebastian knew it had more to do with the fact that he was attuned to her.

He found her next to the door on the rooftop. The ocean breeze tugged at her white dress and her long brown hair. His voice trailed off as he noticed that Ashley stood ramrod straight. Her tension was palpable. Her polite smile was slipping and he saw the caution in her eyes.

It took him a moment to realize Oscar Salazar had his back to the party and was talking to her. A red haze filled Sebastian’s vision as the anger flared inside him. He strode through the crowd, determined to keep Salazar away. He didn’t notice the guests as he bumped shoulders and cut through small groups. A few guests saw the murderous rage in his expression and immediately got out of the line of fire.

He didn’t know what Salazar was saying to Ashley, but it didn’t matter. Ashley was his. Body and soul.

He saw Ashley’s face whiten. The color leached from her sun-kissed skin as if she was going to be sick. She turned her head and Sebastian knew she was searching for him. Their gazes clashed. Her brown eyes shimmered with hurt. Pain. Betrayal.

Ashley flinched and jerked her attention back at Salazar. Ashley’s mouth parted in shock a moment before she slung her champagne in Salazar’s face. She dropped the flute on the ground and marched away before Salazar could react.

Sebastian wanted to chase after his woman. Comfort and protect her. But first he had to take care of Salazar. He turned and glared at Salazar’s proud face. That man needed to learn that if he slighted Ashley, the wrath of hell was upon him.

* * *

Ashley brushed away the last tear as she gathered up her T-shirt and jeans and dumped them in the smallest suitcase she could find. Her hands shook as she zipped up the case. How could Sebastian do this to her?

Why was she so surprised? She meant nothing to him. She was just the mistress. A very temporary one. Hadn’t she seen enough on how men treated their mistresses? Why did she think Sebastian would have been any different?

Ashley jumped when she heard the door of their bedroom swing open and bang against the wall. She refused to look at Sebastian. She knew he filled the doorway with his hands clutching the frame. He was barring her exit and she felt his anger pouring through him.