“I thought you were at work,” she said. She had been grateful for the time alone. She was used to solitude and thought the time away from Sebastian would help break this sexual hold he had over her. No such luck. She only had to look at him and she was right back where she started. Her pulse kicked with excitement as she savored the heat sizzling through her veins.

“I came back because I wanted to see you,” he replied as his gaze settled on her skimpy bikini top.

Knowing that she had the ability to distract him from work gave her more joy than it should. He probably tossed these meaningless comments to every woman in his sight. “I found this swimsuit in the cabana,” she said as she slicked back her wet hair. “There were quite a few of them.”

“They are there for guests,” he said, moving even closer. “They are not from my ex-lovers, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

Her insecurity was pathetically obvious. She hated what she was becoming. “If you say so.” She realized he had moved in even closer. Ashley couldn’t take it anymore and slowly moved to the corner of the pool.

“Where are you going?” With one smooth move, Sebastian cornered her. She felt the edge of the pool against her back and Sebastian’s strong legs bumping against hers.

Her hands grazed his defined chest as she tried to tread. “My God, you are insatiable.”

Sebastian rested his hands on the pool ledge, trapping her. “You were the one who woke me up this morning. Not that I minded...”

She didn’t want to think about that. How she acted before she thought. She couldn’t even use the excuse that she had been dreaming. That would make Sebastian more arrogant than he already was.

Ashley treaded hard and fast with her legs but she was getting tangled with Sebastian’s. She was very aware of his body. His solid chest and golden-brown skin. The strong column of his throat and his sensual mouth.

Sebastian bent his head and kissed her. She arched her back as his hand slid down the curve of her breast. Ashley moaned as he rubbed his thumb against her hard nipple.

“I have a favor to ask,” she said breathlessly.

“I can’t wait to hear it.” He dipped his head and whispered in her ear, “You don’t have to be shy with me.”

“I need to visit Inez Key,” she said in a rush.

“No.” His quiet, authoritative tone bothered her almost as much as his words.

She reared back her head. “What do you mean, no? Aren’t you the least bit curious of why I need to go?”

He shrugged. “You have no authority on or responsibility to the island. It’s mine.”

“Shouldn’t I at least get bonus points for asking?” She realized what she’d said and shook her head. Why was she asking for permission? If she wanted to go, she would. Thanks to a very informative phone conversation with Clea, Ashley knew Sebastian had added security on Inez Key. But she knew all the best hiding spots.

Sebastian’s mouth formed into a grim line. “Don’t even think about it.”

“You don’t know what I’m thinking,” she said as she hoisted herself out of the pool.

“I’ll arrest you for trespassing.”

All right, he did know what she was thinking. Was her face that expressive? Or was she just predictable? “You’ll have to catch me first,” Ashley said as she strolled away. She refused to show how much she believed he would follow through on his threat.

“You won’t get far,” Sebastian said as he watched her from the pool.

Yes, she would. Ashley grabbed her towel and walked as regally as she could back to the penthouse. She was painfully aware of Sebastian watching her. Her skin felt hot and tight and her hips seemed fuller as they swayed with each step. She waited until she was out of sight before she wrapped her towel tightly around her body and ran down the steps as if she was being pursued.


A WEEK LATER, Ashley strolled from one guest to another at Sebastian’s glamorous cocktail party. They were on the rooftop of the Cruz hotel in Jamaica. The breeze carried the scent of the ocean and the tropical-fruit appetizers the waiters offered.

Ashley wasn’t sure why she’d quietly assumed the role as hostess. She could say that she was bored or that she rebelled from Sebastian’s attempts to keep her away from the party. The truth was she wanted to show him that she was more than just decoration. She had some skills that weren’t marketable but still valued in certain circles.