I want to believe he’d want me back for the right reasons. But Theo is the master liar and manipulator, so I really have no idea what his motivations are.

Will my life ever be normal again?

“Of course it will. Have faith,” Cruz says, stepping up to my side.

I give him a double-take, not realising that I asked that question out loud.

“I’ll try,” I whisper as he drops a kiss to the top of my head.

For such a bad-arse scary biker, my uncle can be hella sweet at times.

“I’ll let the guys know you’re alone but tell them not to interrupt you. If you want or need them, they’ll be right on the other side of the door.”

I nod, trying to swallow down the lump of emotion that climbs up.

“Thank you,” I choke out.

He raises a brow at me but doesn’t chastise me for thanking him once more.

“I’ll be as quick as I can. Try not to get into any trouble.”

“Can’t promise anything.”

He marches across the room but stops at the door when I call out to him.

“Where are you going to get…” I trail off, not really wanting to address the situation again.

“I’ve got my ways.” He winks, and then he’s gone.

I sit there picking at breakfast for a little longer, but really, I can’t stomach it. So, in the end, I shove the tray to the end of the bed and head for the shower.

I need to wash every single part of last night and the past few days off of me for good.

I turn the shower on as hot as it’ll go, pull out all the girly products Cruz got for me and set to work, seriously impressed by his thoughtfulness. I know he can be a sweetheart, but I didn’t think he had it in him to remember to get me a female razor and shaving foam. He really did think of everything.

It must be almost an hour later when I finally emerge. I wish I could say I feel like a whole new woman, but I’d be lying. My hair might have been washed to within an inch of its life and my skin scrubbed until it burned, but the ache in my chest and the knot in my stomach still linger.

I find the hotel hairdryer and stare at myself in the mirror with sad eyes as it works its magic.

By the time I’m done, I’m bored and lonely, so I knock on the interconnecting door and let myself inside.

“Shorty,” Xander announces, sliding to the end of the bed he was lounging on. “How are you doing?”

“Yeah,” I say, inviting myself in, although I regret it quickly when I realise just how much it smells like biker boys. “You know. I’ve pretty much moved from one prison to another, so…”

“You can walk out that door any time you want,” Link, one of Cruz’s closest friends, tells me seriously.

“Yeah, I know. I think I’d rather my chances sticking around you guys for now, though.”

“Right answer,” he agrees.

“So what are we watching?” I ask, sitting on Xander’s bed and looking at the TV. “A morning chat show? Are you lot for fucking real?”

“What?” Gunner gasps as if he’s actually offended. “I happen to like the host, she makes some very intellectual points.”

“Intellectual?” I ask, my brow quirked in suspicion. “I’m assuming that’s code for you wanting to fuck her.”

“Emmie,” he breathes, covering his heart with his hand. “You wound me.”