“There’s more to it, but we don’t really have time now. Boss wants you,” Daemon says, turning back to me.

“He can get fucked. All of this is his fault,” I snap.

“Did you want to say that to his face?” Daemon quips. “You should probably find a plaster for that on the way, too.” He nods down to my hand that I’d totally forgotten about.

The second I look down and watch as a drop of blood falls from my finger, the pain hits me.


“Let’s go. The sooner we figure this shit out, the better.”

I take a reluctant step to follow Daemon, but Seb stays put.

“I’ll wait. I think we’ve got a few things we need to discuss when you get back, don’t you, bro?”


I follow Daemon out of the suite and toward the lift, just about holding myself back from finishing what I started and busting up my other hand on his face as well.

Silence fills the car as we climb through the building, higher than hotel customers are able to go.

The security room is quieter than usual. Almost all the men who are usually occupying the computers downstairs are still enjoying themselves, or laughing at my expense.

My fists curl at the thought of everyone down there discussing my business. My marriage. My life.

I don’t bother knocking after I overtake Daemon and storm into Dad’s office. He is waiting for me, after all.

“Son, what the fuck was—”

“Your fault. All of that was your fucking fault,” I spit at him. “Why did you even think for a second that any of this was a good idea? You’re a joke. A fucking joke.”

Dad sits behind his desk as stoic as ever, staring at me as if I’ve lost my ever-loving mind. I mean, to be fair, I might have.

“She’s gone. With them. Because of you.”

Ignoring my issue with the fact that my girl has just walked away from me in spectacular fashion, he turns to Daemon.

“How did they get in here unnoticed?”

“I don’t know, Boss. We’re looking into it.”

“Jesus fucking Christ, Theodore. This was our night. You’re a disgrace,” he scoffs.

“How was any of this my—”

“You had one job. Find out what she knows. You weren’t meant to fall in love with her.”

“What?” I roar. “I haven’t fucking fallen in—”

Both Dad and Daemon stare at me with equally blank expressions.

“What? I haven’t. And I did my job. She knows nothing. Had no idea Cora was even working for you, or dealing any kind of drugs. She’s not the scapegoat you’re looking for. Your prisoner is the only one with the answers here. Not. My. Wife.”

Dad’s expression doesn’t falter.

“Fix this. Get her back. Get what I need.”

“How about fuck you, Dad?How about you go and do your own dirty work for once.”