The second the door slams behind me, I let myself fall apart.

“ARGH,” I roar, clearing the contents of the sideboard in the hall, listening to it clatter and smash against the wooden floor. Pain slices through my chest, making me wonder if it just ripped wide open.

Marching into the living area of the suite I’d secured for us to spend the night in, I upend the coffee table, sending the flowers that were sitting on the top flying before I turn to find something else I can destroy. Anything. I need to feel anything but the betrayal that’s ripping me in two.

“FUCK,” I boom, slamming my fist into the mirror and watching it shatter before me just like my fucking life.

How could she do that?

Both physically and literally. How?

“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” My fist hits the ruined glass over and over, my knuckles splitting, but it’s nothing compared to the pain in my chest.

Blood trickles from my knuckles as I press my palms against the wall and hang my head, fighting to catch my breath as the image of her severing this thing between us repeats over and over.

She fucking betrayed me. After everything. After last night.

She did the one thing I was terrified she would do and got out at the first possible opportunity.

“Stupid. Fucking. Cunt,” I force out around the giant lump of emotion that clogs my throat.

I fucked up.

I fucked up and ruined the one good fucking thing I have in my life.

She left me. Just like I knew she would.

She’s walked away with my goddamn heart in the palm of her hands, leaving me here bleeding out all over the motherfucking floor.

“Whoa, bro. Calm the fuck down.” Strong arms wrap around me from behind and I’m hauled backward.

“She’s fucking gone,” I mutter, barely able to believe the words as they fall from my mouth. “She chose them.”

The pain keeps coming like an unrelenting storm. Every time it hits me, it’s stronger, more agonising.

“Fuck, man. I’m sorry.”

The two of us stand there in the middle of the fucking chaos I’ve caused. Only the sound of my heaving breaths can be heard for the longest time.

“You okay?” Seb finally asks. Figuring that it’s safe to let me go, he releases his arms and steps around to face me.

He holds my shoulders and stares at me, empathy oozing from his eyes.

He lost Stella once. He’s the only person who could possibly understand how this feels right now.

Images from the state he was in when he discovered she’d jumped on a plane and left the country to get away from him flicker through my mind.

He was pathetic. I’m pathetic.

“What happened back there?”

“I don’t know. But—” He pauses, looking unsure about his next words. “You did the right thing.”

“Fuck,” I bark, twisting out of his hold. “How the fuck was letting her go the right thing?”

“Look, man, I don’t know the details about what’s gone on between the two of you, but with that dramatic exit and your obsessive ways, I’m putting two and two together here.”