I have no idea what Emmie and Stella talked about after I failed at stopping Stella from following her down to the room she’s claimed as her own. But when they both finally emerged, Stella didn’t look like she wanted to castrate me, and Emmie had softened up a little once more.

She took one look at her milkshake that I’d placed on the coffee table next to mine, walked over, dropped onto the sofa beside me and cuddled into my side.

Seb just stared at the two of us like we were both about to sprout an extra head as I wrapped my arm around her waist and dropped a kiss to her hair.

“What?” I’d asked.

“Nothing, man. This is good. Don’t fuck it up.”

“I’ll do my best.” If it’s not already too late.

I’m still thinking over the events of the afternoon as I lay in bed later that night.

Not long after Stella and Seb left, Emmie disappeared to her room, claiming she had homework that had to be completed, and I haven’t seen her since.

I’ve heard her padding around in there, talking—I assume to herself, seeing as I’ve got her phone.

A trickle of panic hits me that Stella might have slipped her another in an attempt to help, but I push the thought away.

Stella doesn’t know. If she did, she wouldn’t have hung out earlier like this afternoon was just another day.

She’d have been silently stewing on how best to rip my limbs from my body while keeping me alive long enough to witness it.

When she warned me about hurting Emmie all those weeks ago in my old coach house, I knew she was being serious. And I’m more than aware that when all this comes out—and it will—Stella will be the first one gunning for me.

Well, maybe second. I’m pretty sure Emmie’s dad is going to want to take his pound of flesh first.

Movement on the other side of the hall catches my attention, and after a second, her bedroom door opens and her feet pad across the wooden floor.

I left my door open just so I could see her if she decided to emerge at any point, although I must admit I wasn’t expecting her to.

Giving me the cold shoulder and keeping me on the other side of the door when all I want is to be with her, to be able to watch her, seems like it’s becoming her favourite hobby.

Her shadow appears and my heart rate stupidly picks up. She won’t want me. Just a drink or a midnight snack.

But she seems to slow down as she gets closer to my door. And by the time her shadow’s complete, I’m sitting in the middle of the bed, waiting to see what she’s playing at.

The hallway light comes on a beat before she steps into my doorway, and my eyes damn near pop out of their sockets.

I know I was the one who packed her stuff, but I didn’t really think in a million years that she’d wear that, let alone for my benefit.

“E-Em?” I say once I’ve cleared my throat.

“I’m assuming you packed this for a reason?” she asks, taking a step into my room, her finger running over the edge of the lace that’s covering her tits.

I nod, unable to vocalise the word as she comes closer.

The black lace bodysuit leaves very little to the imagination. The front is cut down to her belly button, the sides high on her hips, the fabric barely hiding any of her insane curves, her flawless skin.

My mouth goes dry as her fingers trail down her belly.

“Does it look how you expected?” she asks, her head tilting to the side as if she genuinely doesn’t know how breathtaking she is right now.


Throwing the covers from my lap, I slide over to the edge of the bed and hold my hand out for her.