Giving Daemon one more hard stare to let him know just how unimpressed with his antics I am, I take off down the corridor toward the lifts.

“Have fun with that one,” I hear Daemon say with amusement laced through his tone.

“You know it, man. Gotta love ’em when they’re feisty.”

He catches up with me before the lift doors open, no surprise there, but I keep my back to him as we descend through the building.

His stare burns into my skin, but I refuse to acknowledge that his presence has any effect on me.

It’s not until we’re in the security of his car once more that he speaks again.

“You’re pissed, I get it. But—”

“But what, Theo?” I snap. “Want me to be nicer? Want me to bow down and worship your feet like the master you think you are?”

His eyes widen at my remark, but he isn’t quick enough to find a response.

“I’m sick of this bullshit. Let me go home. Let me get on with my life.”


“Why? You keep telling me that it’s to protect me, but we both know that’s bullshit. If your father, or anyone, wanted to hurt me, they’d have done it before now. He protected me in some completely fucked-up way. By marrying me off to you, he protected me. Not that I really needed it.”

“What does that mean?” he asks, not starting the car but instead turning to look at me.

“You know what it fucking means, and don’t even pretend you don’t. I was a part of this fucked-up family long before I was forced on you and you know it.”

“She told you?” he says quietly, not quite believing it.

“Yeah, dickhead. She told me. So, how long have you been keeping that from me?”

“I only found out on Friday night. Dad refused to tell me your connection, but I knew it was there. I knew there was more to you than he let on.”


“Well, for starters, no one from the Lovell Estate just walks into Knight’s Ridge College without some serious connections.”

My brows furrow. “But my dad got me into Knight’s Ridge. Does he know about this too?”

Theo shrugs. “I don’t know, Em. I’m not lying to you about this shit. I’m mostly as in the dark as you.”

“Mostly,” I seethe. “You still know more. More than you’re telling me. And anyway, how did you find out if your dad didn’t tell you? Mum?”

He shakes his head. “I ran your DNA through our lab.”

My head rears back as if he just fucking slapped me.

“You ran my DNA? Fucking hell, Theo. Do you not see how utterly screwed up all of this is?”

To be fair to him, he does grimace a little at my words.

“Oh, I see it. I just don’t care.”

A bitter laugh falls from my lips. “Well, as long as you can sleep at night, I guess.”

“Only if I’m with you.”